Rotten SoupA roguelike built with Vue, Vuetify, Tiled, rot.js, and PixiJS! Playable at
IvanIter Vehemens ad Necem - a continuation of the graphical roguelike by members of
RotloveRoguelike Toolkit in Love. A Love2D/lua port of rot.js
BrogueceBrogue: Community Edition - a community-lead fork of the much-loved minimalist roguelike game
RlutilC and C++ utilities for cross-platform console roguelike game creation.
UmoriaMoria: a roguelike Dungeon Crawler game | Umoria Source Code
Remixed DungeonTraditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface - Remixed Pixel Dungeon
Rot.jsROguelike Toolkit in JavaScript. Cool dungeon-related stuff, interactive manual, documentation, tests!
AllureAllure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game written in Haskell; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the web frontend version at
MagicallifeA 2d game that aspires to be similar to Rimworld, with more depth, magic, and RPG concepts.
NethackOfficial NetHack Git Repository
Sleeping BeautySleeping Beauty: a game created for the 7-day Roguelike 2014 challenge. Coffeebreak length.
TrwThe Royal Wedding – coffebreak roguelike with story, lighting, zombies and (sometimes) lutefisk!
BoohuBreak Out Of Hareka's Underground, a roguelike game.
RoguebotMy simple rogue-like game for Telegram
GeoticEntity Component System library for javascript
WanderersAn open world adventure and dungeon crawling game
Dose ResponseDose Response is a roguelike where you play an addict. Avoid the dangers threatening your mind and body while desperately looking for the next fix.
NovitiateA procedurally generated RPG inspired by Rogue and written in Pony.
HarmonistHarmonist: Dayoriah Clan Infiltration is a stealth roguelike game.
RamenA simple console emulator for ascii games written in go
OmegarpgA C++ port of the roguelike game Omega
Rogue Craft SpRogue Craft is an ncurses based roguelike/sandbox/RPG game
SadconsoleA .NET ascii/ansi console engine written in C# for MonoGame and XNA. Create your own text roguelike (or other) games!
AngbandA free, single-player roguelike dungeon exploration game
Bracket LibThe Roguelike Toolkit (RLTK), implemented for Rust.
ZirconZircon is an extensible and user-friendly, multiplatform tile engine.
LambdahackHaskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the sample game with the web frontend at
Game⚔️ An online JavaScript 2D Medieval RPG.
RoguesharpA .NET Standard class library providing map generation, path-finding, and field-of-view utilities frequently used in roguelikes or 2D tile based games. Inspired by libtcod
Rusted RuinsExtensible open world rogue like game with pixel art. Players can explore the wilderness and ruins.
nlarnA rewrite of Noah Morgan's classic roguelike game Larn (1986).
gogueA small, simple Roguelike Toolkit, based on BearLibTerminal, for developing Roguelike games in Go.
spaceshippersA spaceship simulation game written in Go that might be fun one day!
roguelike-universeUnderstanding game design inspiration of roguelike games via web scraping and network analysis.
mangbandA free online multi-player realtime roguelike game based on Angband
stampadiaA daily print-and-play roguelike adventure you can play offline.
SlashTHEMSuper Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - The Heavily Extended Mod: A variant of Slash'EM that adds a bunch of content.
WorldSim2D tile-based sandbox RPG with procedurally generated fantasy world simulator 🌏
slaythewebSlay the Web is a singleplayer, deck builder, roguelike card crawl game for the web based on Slay the Spire
ECS-GameA roguelike written in Python adhering to ECS
ink roguelikeA narrative mini-roguelike written completely in ink.
WoozoolikeA simple space exploration roguelike for 7DRL 2017