All Categories → Machine Learning → scikit-learn

Top 354 scikit-learn open source projects

KMeans elbow
Code for determining optimal number of clusters for K-means algorithm using the 'elbow criterion'
A module for allowing the use of multiple metric functions in scikit's cross_val_score
A Python package for fitting Quinlan's Cubist regression model
Collection of Kaggle Datasets ready to use for Everyone (Looking for contributors)
A library to parse and convert PMML models into Scikit-learn estimators.
2019년 민족사관고등학교 졸업 프로젝트
dlime experiments
In this work, we propose a deterministic version of Local Interpretable Model Agnostic Explanations (LIME) and the experimental results on three different medical datasets shows the superiority for Deterministic Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (DLIME).
audio noise clustering ==> An experiment with a variety of clustering (and clustering-like) techniques to reduce noise on an audio speech recording.
nlp workshop odsc europe20
Extensive tutorials for the Advanced NLP Workshop in Open Data Science Conference Europe 2020. We will leverage machine learning, deep learning and deep transfer learning to learn and solve popular tasks using NLP including NER, Classification, Recommendation \ Information Retrieval, Summarization, Classification, Language Translation, Q&A and T…
python library implementing ensemble methods for regression, classification and visualisation tools including Voronoi tesselations.
REST API (and possible UI) for Machine Learning workflows
skrobot is a Python module for designing, running and tracking Machine Learning experiments / tasks. It is built on top of scikit-learn framework.
ml webapp
Explore machine learning models. Leveraging scikit-learn's models and exposing their behaviour through API
This project has 3 goals: To find out the best machine learning pipeline for predicting ASD cases using genetic algorithms, via the TPOT library. (Classification Problem) Compare the accuracy of the accuracy of the determined pipeline, with a standard Naive-Bayes classifier. Saving the classifier as an external file, and use this file in a Flask…
🤓🔮🔬 Emoji prediction from a text using machine learning
Bay Area WiMLDS scikit-learn open source sprint (Nov 2, 2019)
face rating
Face/Beauty Rating with both the traditional ML approaches and Convolutional Neural Network Approach
Training time estimation for scikit-learn algorithms
CreditCard Fraud Detection
Machine learning in Matlab using scikit-learn syntax
Introduction to Machine Learning with Time Series at PyData Festival Amsterdam 2020
Formed trajectories of sets of points.Experimented on finding similarities between trajectories based on DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) and LCSS (Longest Common SubSequence) algorithms.Modeled trajectories as strings based on a Grid representation.Benchmarked KNN, Random Forest, Logistic Regression classification algorithms to classify efficiently t…
Movie Recommendation Chatbot provides information about a movie like plot, genre, revenue, budget, imdb rating, imdb links, etc. The model was trained with Kaggle’s movies metadata dataset. To give a recommendation of similar movies, Cosine Similarity and TFID vectorizer were used. Slack API was used to provide a Front End for the chatbot. IBM W…
Extracts key terminology (n-grams) from any large collection of documents (>1000) and forecasts emergence
A basic introduction to machine learning (one day training).
Source code of the model used in Tensorflow Speech Recognition Challenge ( The solution ranked in top 5% in private leaderboard.
A docker-based starter kit for machine learning via jupyter notebooks. Designed for those who just want a runtime environment and get on with machine learning. Docker tags:
Applying machine learning to predict loan charge-offs on
301-354 of 354 scikit-learn projects