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Top 8 scikitlearn-machine-learning open source projects

Science des Données Saison 5: Technologies pour l'apprentissage automatique / statistique de données massives et l'Intelligence Artificielle
This is a machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service. We initially made this project as a requirement for an internship at Indian Servers. We are now making it open to contribution.
Uber is interested in predicting rider retention. To help explore this question, they have provided a sample dataset of a cohort of users.
Formed trajectories of sets of points.Experimented on finding similarities between trajectories based on DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) and LCSS (Longest Common SubSequence) algorithms.Modeled trajectories as strings based on a Grid representation.Benchmarked KNN, Random Forest, Logistic Regression classification algorithms to classify efficiently t…
This repo aims to contain different machine learning use cases along with the descriptions to the model architectures
1-8 of 8 scikitlearn-machine-learning projects