LazyblorgBlogging with Org-mode for very lazy people
RiotSimple and elegant component-based UI library
AtaraxiaSimple and lightweight source-based multi-platform Linux distribution with musl libc.
Sol2Sol3 (sol2 v3.0) - a C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance - is here, and it's great! Documentation:
Simple DashA simple, fully responsive Dashboard to forward to the services of your choice!
NakedtensorBare bone examples of machine learning in TensorFlow
HtmrSimple and lightweight (< 2kB) HTML string to React element conversion library
Sublimenotebook📝 Make Sublime Text your favorite note taking/journal application
MuThe μ css framework — a 1 ko css file.
RouteSimple isomorphic router
Gallery shell📷 Bash Script to generate static responsive image web galleries.
Bonsai🌱 a tiny distro-independent package manager
Flags⛳ Simple, extensible, header-only C++17 argument parser released into the public domain.
Seashoreeasy to use mac osx image editing application for the rest of us
Startup LandingCollection of free top of the line startup landing templates built using react/nextjs/gatsby. Free to download, simply edit and deploy! Updated weekly!
BooBoo - A beautiful, clean and responsive theme for Ghost.
PortfusionHaskell-powered cross-platform transport-layer distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling solution – currently available for all TCP protocols (RDP, VNC, HTTP(S), SSH, ...).
ProtonExport excel to xml, json, lua, etc., and automatically generate the read code.
Simple HintCSS-only tooltip packed with a variety of features.
SftdynSelf-hosted dyndns/dynamic DNS server and updater for bind
ParisLogger in Rust for pretty colors and text in the terminal. Aiming for a relatively simple API
Restrequest4delphiAPI to consume REST services written in any programming language with support to Lazarus and Delphi
JqueryrotatejQueryRotate - plugin to rotate images by any angle cross-browse with animation support
Progress Bar.shSimple & sexy progress bar for `bash`, give it a duration and it will do the rest.
MinimalrlImplementations of basic RL algorithms with minimal lines of codes! (pytorch based)
PolyfemA polyvalent C++ FEM library
Hugo Theme ConsoleA minimal, responsive and light theme for Hugo inspired by Linux console.
ValineA fast, simple & powerful comment system.
Smoke💨 Simple yet powerful file-based mock server with recording abilities
Easy slam tutorial首个中文的简单从零开始实现视觉SLAM理论与实践教程,使用Python实现。包括:ORB特征点提取,对极几何,视觉里程计后端优化,实时三维重建地图。A easy SLAM practical tutorial (Python).图像处理、otsu二值化。更多其他教程我的CSDN博客
G3dSimple and easy 3D engine for LÖVE.
Quant4j火币量化交易 指标组合策略 简单的数值策略 这个项目只是提供一个思路。
RestoreA predictable & observable state container for React apps
FossurlYour Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages
HarborSimple and minimal personal blog theme.
TemplateA super-simple way to create new projects based on templates.
SimpleThe Simple Intelligent and Modular Programming Language and Environment
Postmate📭 A powerful, simple, promise-based postMessage library.
YoutransferThe simple but elegant self-hosted file transfer & sharing solution
MuninMain repository for munin master / node / plugins