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Top 1420 spring-boot open source projects

Embedded Database Spring Test
A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.
Java Microservices Examples
Java Microservices: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, JHipster, Spring Cloud Config, and Spring Cloud Gateway
Material Admin
A Material Designed Admin Framework based on Spring boot2 And Bootstrap
Event Driven Spring Boot
Example Application to demo various flavours of handling domain events in Spring Boot
Him Netty
开源的H5即时聊天系统 spring-boot + netty + protobuf + vue ~
Ddd Java
Spring Boot + Java [ DDD Sample ]
Resteasy Spring Boot
RESTEasy Spring Boot Starter
Spring Webflux Security Jwt
A JWT authorization and authentication implementation with Spring Reactive Webflux, Spring Boot 2 and Spring Security 5
Oauth2 Family Barrel
Kogito Runtimes
Kogito Runtimes - Kogito is a cloud-native business automation technology for building cloud-ready business applications.
Awesome Spring
A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.
Jpa Hibernate Tutorials
Hibernate Tutorials with Spring Boot and Spring-Data-JPA
Springcloud Miaosha
一个基于spring cloud Greenwich的简单秒杀电子商城项目,适合新人阅读。A simple spring cloud based seckill shopping mall project, suitable for young people to read. It can be used as a paper material for academic defense.
Springboot Learning
《Spring Boot基础教程》,2.x版本持续连载中!点击下方链接直达教程目录!
Ebook Chat App Spring Websocket Cassandra Redis Rabbitmq
Pro Java Clustering and Scalability: Building Real-Time Apps with Spring, Cassandra, Redis, WebSocket and RabbitMQ
🔥MS 是一个前后分离的分布式 spring cloud 框架(全家桶),这里有统一认证,统一网关等等功能,是一个非常简洁的微服务脚手架
基于Spring Cloud,实现微服务中常用的基础模块,包括 OAuth2 认证服务,统一注册中心,系统监控中心, 统一配置中心,API网关以及熔断器
Spring Cloud作为第二代微服务的代表性框架,已经在国内众多大中小型的公司有实际应用案例。许多公司的业务线全部拥抱Spring Cloud,部分公司选择部分拥抱Spring Cloud。此示例基于Spring Boot 1.5.x编写,展示了Spring Cloud的核心组件的基本使用方式,在学习Spring Cloud时可以参考本示例。
Java web and command line applications demonstrating various security topics
Jax Rs Performance Comparison
⚡️ Performance Comparison of Jax-RS implementations and embedded containers
Spring Boot Sample
Spring-boot 集成druid数据库连接池,Spring-boot实现druid的动态数据源,Spring-boot实现定时任务schedule,spring-boot集成mybatis
Myuploader Backend
Dubbo Spring Boot Starter
Dubbo Spring Boot Starter
Febs Vue
SpringBoot,Shiro,JWT,Vue & Ant Design 前后端分离权限管理系统(精力有限,停止维护)
Spring Boot Book
Spring Boot 开源电子书
Spring Kotlin React Demo
Demo Webapp using SpringBoot, Kotlin and React.js
Spring Boot Shiro
Apache Shiro integration with Spring Boot.
Spring Boot Starter Dubbo
Dubbo Spring Boot 工程
Weixin Java Cp Demo
基于Spring Boot 和 WxJava 实现的微信企业号/企业微信 后端Demo
Springboot Restful Starter
SpringBoot RESTful API 脚手架
Spring Boot Plus
🔥 Spring-Boot-Plus is a easy-to-use, high-speed, high-efficient,feature-rich, open source spring boot scaffolding. 🚀
Spring Cloud Tutorial
Spring Cloud Tutorial.《Spring Cloud 教程》
Springboot Examples
spring boot 集成各技术案例
Sloth 是一个生成脚手架代码的工具。你只需要设置好业务应用所需要用的 Mysql 数据源即可。如果你用过 Ruby on Rails 的代码生成器的话,那么 Sloth 也同样适用于这样的场景, 它使用 Java 语言构建,生成的脚手架代码亦是 Java。旨在为开发者提供一系列健壮的工具、程序库和工作流,帮助他们快速构建出漂亮、引人注目的SpringBoot Web应用
Building your business-systems freely! 高度可定制化的企业管理系统 企业中台
Spring Boot Axon Sample
Sample application using Spring Boot, Axon, AngularJS and Websockets
Springboot Elasticsearch
基于springboot的web项目,通过elasticsearch提供的Java API 进行查询操作.
Event Sourcing Microservices Example
Learn about building microservices with event sourcing using Spring Boot and how to deploy a social network to Kubernetes using Docker Compose or Helm.
Spring Boot Starter Swagger
自制spring boot starter for swagger 2.x,来试试吧,很好用哦~
Tutorial Soap Spring Boot Cxf
Tutorial how to create, test, deploy, monitor SOAP-Webservices using Spring Boot and Apache CXF
Mutual Tls Ssl
🔐 Tutorial of setting up Security for your API with one way authentication with TLS/SSL and mutual mutual authentication for a java based web server and a client with both Spring Boot. Different clients are provided such as Apache HttpClient, OkHttp, Spring RestTemplate, Spring WebFlux WebClient Jetty and Netty, the old and the new JDK HttpClient, the old and the new Jersey Client, Google HttpClient, Unirest, Retrofit, Feign, Methanol, vertx, Scala client Finagle, Featherbed, Dispatch Reboot, AsyncHttpClient, Sttp, Akka, Requests Scala, Http4s Blaze, Kotlin client Fuel, http4k, Kohttp and ktor. Also other server examples are available such as jersey with grizzly. Also gRPC examples are included
Graphql Spring Boot Starter
Spring boot starter for GraphQL
My Blog
🌴A simple & beautiful blogging system implemented with spring-boot & thymeleaf & mybatis My Blog 是由 SpringBoot + Mybatis + Thymeleaf 等技术实现的 Java 博客系统,页面美观、功能齐全、部署简单及完善的代码,一定会给使用者无与伦比的体验
Spring Petclinic Reactjs
ReactJS (with TypeScript) and Spring Boot version of the Spring Petclinic sample application
Spring And Spring Boot
Lab solutions for Spring and Spring Boot course
Spring Boot Email Tools
A set of services and tools for sending emails in a Spring Boot 1.5.x application using a Template Engine
Spring Rest Ecommerce
Java Spring Boot - Ecommerce REST API
Speedment is a Stream ORM Java Toolkit and Runtime
This is the source code of
A blog power by spring-boot and vue
Springboot Rabbitmq
RabbitMQ为异步消息处理提出了一个很好的解决方案,它是一个非常好用的消息中间件,主要用于中间件的解耦,同时,Spring Boot为RabbitMQ提供了支持, Spring Boot为Rabbit准备了spring-boot-starter-amqp,spring-rabbit 支持 AMQP(即Advanced Message Queuing Protocol,高级消息队列协议,是应用层协议的一个开放标准),并且为RabbitTemplate和RabbitMQ提供了自动配置选项
61-120 of 1420 spring-boot projects