Mongols C++ high performance networking with TCP/UDP/RESP/HTTP/WebSocket protocols
EvppA modern C++ network library for developing high performance network services in TCP/UDP/HTTP protocols.
OksocketAn blocking socket client for Android applications.
EsockdErlang General Non-blocking TCP/SSL Socket Server
SimplenetAn easy-to-use, event-driven, asynchronous network application framework compiled with Java 11.
SimpletcpA minimal non-blocking TCP server written for Python 3.
ZeroA Lightweight Socket Service with heartbeat, Can be easily used in TCP server development.
Eomaia一个基于reactor模式的Linux/C++网络库,支持one loop per thread机制。
NanoLightweight, facility, high performance golang based game server framework
Live Mutex High-performance networked mutex for Node.js libraries.
Blackhat GoAs hackers, we put a premium on function over elegance as time is always scarce. When you need to quickly create a solution to a problem, style concerns come secondary.
SimpletcpSimple wrapper for TCP client and server in C# with SSL support
PacketsenderNetwork utility for sending / receiving TCP, UDP, SSL
FixioFIX Protocol Support for Netty
EasytcpSimple framework for TCP clients and servers. Focused on performance and usability.
TinytcpserverA small tcp server working under Mono or .NET (4.0) and provides hooks for handling data exchange with clients (works under mono and .net). Behaviour/protocol/reaction could be specified via custom C# script.
Chat SocketA simple chat room using java socket with the client-server paradigm
Dpdk AnsANS(Accelerated Network Stack) on DPDK, DPDK native TCP/IP stack.
Simpleunitytcp🖧 Simple Unity Project to show how TCP communication are builded in C# without multi-threading or Unity network (Unet) involved.
NetcoreserverUltra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
Swoft🚀 PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework
RockgoA developing game server framework,based on Entity Component System(ECS).
CppserverUltra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C++ library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
NetworkerA simple to use TCP and UDP networking library for .NET. Compatible with Unity.
CowboyCowboy.Sockets is a C# library for building sockets based services.
CellnetHigh performance, simple, extensible golang open source network library
Message IoEvent-driven message library for building network applications easy and fast.
Easyserverdev操作系统层面提供的 API 会在相当长的时间内保持接口不变,一旦学成,终生受用。理解和掌握这些基础 socket API 不仅可以最大化地去定制各种网络通信框架,更不用说使用市面上流行的网络通信库了,最重要的是,它会是你排查各种网络疑难杂症坚实的技术保障。
Hprose NodejsHprose is a cross-language RPC. This project is Hprose 2.0 for Node.js
Dubbogoa golang micro-service framework compatible with alibaba dubbo
JFTSEJFTSE Open Source MMO Framework
trantora non-blocking I/O tcp network lib based on c++14/17
evLightweight event-loop library based on multiplexing IO
cs开箱即用的基于命令的消息处理框架,让 websocket 和 tcp 开发就像 http 那样简单
EasyFileTransferAn easy way to transfer file with any size on network with tcp protocol.
SocketifyRaw TCP and UDP Sockets API on Desktop Browsers
twjitm-core采用Netty信息加载实现长连接实时通讯系统,客户端可以值任何场景,支持实时http通讯、webSocket通讯、tcp协议通讯、和udp协议通讯、广播协议等 通过http协议,rpc协议。 采用自定义网络数据包结构, 实现自定义网络栈。
Mgx🌈 A high performance network framework written in c++ (support tcp and http)
easytcp✨ 🚀 EasyTCP is a light-weight TCP framework written in Go (Golang), built with message router. EasyTCP helps you build a TCP server easily fast and less painful.
Burger🍔 c++11 Server based on coroutine and reactor
tcpserverA TCP Server with simple and clean API
CSharpServerUltra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# library with support TCP, SSL, UDP protocols and 10K connections problem solution
ctsTrafficctsTraffic is a highly scalable client/server networking tool giving detailed performance and reliability analytics
networkexomia/network is a wrapper library around System.Socket for easy and fast TCP/UDP client & server communication.