BiberBackend processor for BibLaTeX
PymlslidesSlides for my machine learning course based on Sebastian Raschka's Python Machine Learning book
Low Resource LanguagesResources for conservation, development, and documentation of low resource (human) languages.
Ucasproposal中国科学院大学开题报告 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Iclr15Sentiment Analysis with Ensemble
Rl CheatsheetRL Notation and Pseudocode for Udacity's MLND program
ThesisDifferentiable Optimization-Based Modeling for Machine Learning
OcamlunixUnix system programming in OCaml book
FizikoMetaPost library initially written to automate some elements of black and white illustrations for a physics textbook
FiramathSans-serif font with Unicode math support
SupermallocA Super Fast Multithreaded malloc() for 64-bit Machines
InsfcAn awesome LaTeX template for NSFC proposal.
GgnewscaleMultiple Fill, Color and Other Scales in `ggplot2`
SymmetrybookThis book will be an undergraduate textbook written in the univalent style, taking advantage of the presence of symmetry in the logic at an early stage.
Cs231a NotesThe course notes for Stanford's CS231A course on computer vision
Cs229 Ps 2018My solutions to the problem sets of Stanford cs229, 2018
Geostats.jlAn extensible framework for high-performance geostatistics in Julia
Reading List[ARCHIVED] Moved to — papers to read to understand IPFS
Fenics TutorialSource files and published documents for the FEniCS tutorial.
CircuitikzCircuiTikZ TeX/LaTeX package for drawing circuits
Devonfw4flutter A guide aiming to bridge the gap between the absolute Flutter basics and clean, structured Flutter Development
MiniasmUltrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step)
Beamercolortheme OwlA Beamer colour theme that maximizes visibility in dark and unfavourable conditions + Epub version of the online book ( ”Neural Networks and Deep Learning“ by Michael Nielsen (@mnielsen)
LshortThe Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX
RuptureA framework for BREACH and other compression-based crypto attacks
Medical BooksOpen sourece medical books in LaTeX. LaTeX写的中文开源医学书籍
Joymachine PublicAll sorts of random publicly-available information, assets, scripts, and more as we (Joy Machine) work on our projects.
Adv Eval PaperLaTeX source for the paper "On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness"
LncsImproved Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template
FontspecFont selection in LaTeX for XeTeX and LuaTeX
YlatexMy LaTeX projects (classes, packages and more)!
Go Vs SwiftGo vs. Swift: The Languages of The Modern Tech Giants