Top 70 tslint open source projects

Tslint Plugin Prettier
Runs Prettier as a TSLint rule and reports differences as individual TSLint issues
Aws Lambda Typescript
This sample uses the Serverless Application Framework to implement an AWS Lambda function in TypeScript, deploy it via CloudFormation, publish it through API Gateway to a custom domain registered on Route53, and document it with Swagger.
Prettier Tslint
Code ➡️ prettier ➡️ tslint --fix ➡️ Formatted Code ✨
Tslint React Hooks
TSLint rule for detecting invalid uses of React Hooks
TypeScript coding guidelines & configs for Formik
JavaScript and TypeScript Style Guide
Tslint Consistent Codestyle
Collection of awesome rules to extend TSLint
Angular2 Express Mongoose Gulp Node Typescript
AngularJS 2 (Updated to 4.2.0) Mean Stack application which uses Angular2, Gulp, Express, Node, MongoDB (Mongoose) with Repository Pattern Business Layer
Tslint Language Service
TypeScript 2.2.1 plugin for tslint
SonarQube plugin for TypeScript files
ESLint config focused on maximizing type safety 💪
Angular Tslint Rules
Shared TSLint & codelyzer rules to enforce a consistent code style for Angular development
Express Graphql Typescript Boilerplate
A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch
Tslint Angular
Recommended tslint configuration for Angular applications.
React Native Typescript Boilerplate
React Native Typescript starter kit / template (Redux Thunk + React Native Navigation v7 + TSLint)
React Typescript Webpack2 Cssmodules Postcss
Simple Starter Template for React, TypeScript, postCSS, ITCSS, CSS-Modules, Webpack and Live Reloading (React Hot Loader 3)
Typescript Eslint
✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
Typescript Node Starter
A reference example for TypeScript and Node with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
Typescript Restful Starter
Node.js + ExpressJS + Joi + Typeorm + Typescript + JWT + ES2015 + Clustering + Tslint + Mocha + Chai
Tslint No Circular Imports
TSLint plugin to detect and warn about circular imports
Tslint Xo
TSLint shareable config for XO
Gatsby Starter Typescript Deluxe
A Gatsby starter with TypeScript, Storybook, Styled Components, Framer Motion, Jest, and more.
Coc Tslint Plugin
coc.nvim extension that provides TSLint support using the typescript-tslint-plugin
📦 A set of configs and rules for Typescript projects.
Express + Sequelize + Winston + Jasmine + TypeScript + Webpack MVC Boilerplate
Tslint React
📙 Lint rules related to React & JSX for TSLint.
🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language
Tslint To Eslint Config
Converts your TSLint configuration to the closest possible ESLint equivalent. 🚀
Vscode Tslint
A tslint integration for vscode
✨ A zero config JavaScript linter with support for Typescript, Flow, and React.
Typescript Library Starter
Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!
Tslint Config Standard
A TSLint config for JavaScript Standard Style
Rxjs Tslint Rules
TSLint rules for RxJS
Add the Picture-in-Picture Functionality to YouTube, Netflix, Plex and other video broadcasting services in macOS Sierra
Lint Review
An automated code linting bot that integrates various code lint tools with github pull requests.
Typescript Tslint Plugin
TypeScript TSLint language service plugin
An ESLint shareable config that I used in my projects
A monorepo example using TypeScript and Next.js
Custom rule for TSLint to enforce blank lines between class methods - achieves a similar thing to lines-between-class-members in ESLint
比较全面的前端构建工具demo,拿来即练,不定时更新,包含git npm gulp webpack babel typescript husky eslint tslint lint-stage prettier等
[Deprecated] An MSBuild task for running TSLint.
A React + Redux + TypeScript + HOT + Webpack + Material-UI + Sass boilerplate
A tslint rule to nag you when you forget that you have focused some Jasmine tests with 'fdescribe' or 'fit'
1-60 of 70 tslint projects