Twitchplaysx🎮 Connect to IRC to send inputs to any program, Twitch Plays Pokemon style. (Windows, Linux, OSX)
Wpthumb⚠️ UNMAINTAINED ⚠️ On demand image resizing for WordPress
Cudlr⛔️ [DEPRECATED] Console for Unity Debugging and Logging Remotely
Chandler[unmaintained] chandler syncs your CHANGELOG entries to GitHub's release notes
Malgraph4MALgraph: statistics service for users.
PyadPython Active Directory Tools | *Not actively maintained*
Capistrano Mb[unmaintained] Capistrano tasks for deploying Rails from scratch to Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04
Openpgp.rb[Retired] OpenPGP.rb is a pure-Ruby implementation of the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880).
OstelOpen Secure Telephony platform (no longer maintained)
Ticons CliCommand-Line version of TiCons for generating icons and splash screens for Titanium & Alloy projects.
TgcameraviewcontrollerCustom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects.
Touch DndAdvanced touch-compatible Drag and Drop library providing Draggable, Droppable and Sortable for Zepto.js and jQuery
StargusImporter and scripts for Starcraft
React Axe[DEPRECATED] Accessibility auditing for React.js applications
Knife Role SpaghettiKnife plugin for Chef to draw dependency graphs for roles. Cut through the spaghetti with a knife.
Django AlexaAmazon Alexa Skills Kit integration for Django -- PENDING ADOPTION
GsxlibA PHP library for communicating with Apple's GSX web service API
Sabotagean experimental distribution based on musl libc and busybox
Autocomplete RubyProvides intelligent code completion for Ruby in the Atom editor. Requires RSense.
Ipfs Textbook[unmaintained] Helping me understand what IPFS is and how it works
DjangofficeProject management/CRM for small offices - Clients, Jobs, Tasks, Rates, Activities, Timesheets, Contacts, Invoices etc. etc.
Slocsimple tool to count SLOC (source lines of code)
Divergence MeterDivergence Meter is an application based on Steins;Gate. Unmaintained, feel free to contribute
Toolsvarious simple tools, not worth a project on their own
Rdfgrid[Unmaintained] RDFgrid is a framework for batch-processing RDF data with Hadoop and Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Miniproxy🚨⚠️ UNMAINTAINED! ⚠️🚨 A simple PHP web proxy.
TimegridFree, open-source, online appointments platform based on Laravel PHP Framework.
NewformsIsomorphic form-handling for React
Node Jscs⤴️ JavaScript Code Style checker (unmaintained)
Axe Cli[Deprecated] A command-line interface for the aXe accessibility testing engine
MsxJSX for Mithril.js 0.x
React HeatpackA 'heatpack' command for quick React development with webpack hot reloading
ScaleappscaleApp is a JavaScript framework for scalable and maintainable One-Page-Applications
SwigTake a swig of the best template engine for JavaScript.
RedditkitAn Objective-C wrapper for the reddit API
Mobx StoreA data store with declarative querying, observable state, and easy undo/redo.
Wifi[unmaintained] WiFi tools for linux
MozdefDEPRECATED - MozDef: Mozilla Enterprise Defense Platform
GaiaDEPRECATED - Gaia is a HTML5-based Phone UI for the Boot 2 Gecko Project. NOTE: For details of what branches are used for what releases, see
confidential-surveyA Rails app for conducting confidential surveys without violating user privacy
comaa console mail user agent | obsolete: use mblaze
elmoDEPRECATED - Elmo ~