MippMIPP is a portable wrapper for SIMD instructions written in C++11. It supports NEON, SSE, AVX and AVX-512.
BlasjsPure Javascript manually written π implementation of BLAS, Many numerical software applications use BLAS computations, including Armadillo, LAPACK, LINPACK, GNU Octave, Mathematica, MATLAB, NumPy, R, and Julia.
Vectorlogozone3,000+ gorgeous SVG logos, perfect for your README or credits page
EarthpyA package built to support working with spatial data using open source python
StaticvecImplements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics.
C VectorA dynamic array implementation in C similar to the one found in standard C++
Jsturbo.js - perform massive parallel computations in your browser with GPGPU.
GdalGDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
VectoraiVector AI β A platform for building vector based applications. Encode, query and analyse data using vectors.
Research2vecRepresenting research papers as vectors / latent representations.
Free Gophers Pack⨠This pack of 100+ gopher pictures and elements will help you to build own design of almost anything related to Go Programming Language: presentations, posts in blogs or social media, courses, videos and many, many more.
Richpathπͺ Rich Android Path. π€‘ Draw as you want. π Animate much as you can.
Python GeospatialA collection of Python packages for geospatial analysis with binder-ready notebook examples
ImmutableThread-safe, persistent, immutable collections for the Crystal language
Feathericonsimply generic vector icon collection - including sketch file, svg files, and font files.
NalgebraLinear algebra library for Rust.
Elf ParserLightweight elf binary parser with no external dependencies - Sections, Symbols, Relocations, Segments
RvgHigh level vulkan 2D vector-like graphics api (C++)
ScCommon libraries and data structures for C.
ValdVald. A Highly Scalable Distributed Vector Search Engine
Math PhpPowerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; special mathematical functions; Algebra
HlslppMath library using hlsl syntax with SSE/NEON support
Aegis IconsUnofficial 2FA entry icons for open source Android authenticator Aegis
MatrixstatsR package: Methods that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors)
MoonshotA SpaceX companion app for Android
Node Sylvesterπ± Sylvester is a vector, matrix, and geometry library for JavaScript, that runs in the browser and on the server.
Logos Per BanksLogoS is a design project about logos. In clean vector and organized as libraries to use. This one includes logos of Banks and Payment Gateways of Iran
PlutovgTiny 2D vector graphics library in C
MapcheteTile-based geodata processing using rasterio & Fiona
ContainersThis library provides various containers. Each container has utility functions to manipulate the data it holds. This is an abstraction as to not have to manually manage and reallocate memory.
U.movinUnity library for rendering After Effects shape animations
NumphpMathematical PHP library for scientific computing
VectorβΏ A supercharged std::vector implementation (minus Allocator)
Android Animated IconsHow to improve the user experience using animated icons with vector drawables onΒ Android
LacamlOCaml bindings for BLAS/LAPACK (high-performance linear algebra Fortran libraries)
Ml Logosπ· β¨ SVG logos for various ML libraries
Algebrameans completeness and balancing, from the Arabic word Ψ§ΩΨ¬Ψ¨Ψ±
Krylovkit.jlKrylov methods for linear problems, eigenvalues, singular values and matrix functions
GeocubeTool to convert geopandas vector data into rasterized xarray data.
Maker.jsπβ 2D vector line drawing and shape modeling for CNC and laser cutters.
DutchembeddingsRepository for the word embeddings experiments described in "Evaluating Unsupervised Dutch Word Embeddings as a Linguistic Resource", presented at LREC 2016.
VectorsinsearchDice.com repo to accompany the dice.com 'Vectors in Search' talk by Simon Hughes, from the Activate 2018 search conference, and the 'Searching with Vectors' talk from Haystack 2019 (US). Builds upon my conceptual search and semantic search work from 2015