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Top 337 vim-plugin open source projects

Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
Vim Airline
lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
Vim Ledger
Vim plugin for Ledger
LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim
Vim Ghost
Vim/Nvim client for GhostText - Edit browser text areas in Vim/Neovim
Vim Fibo Indent
Fibonacci Indentation for Vim.
Vim Vsnip
Snippet plugin for vim/nvim that supports LSP/VSCode's snippet format.
Vim Lsp Cxx Highlight
Vim plugin for C/C++/ObjC semantic highlighting using cquery, ccls, or clangd
Vim plugin to suggest better movements
Vim Color Spring Night
Low-contrast calm color scheme for Vim
Vim Lexical
Build on Vim’s spell/thes/dict completion
Vim Sayonara
👺 Sane buffer/window deletion.
Lightline Ale
ALE indicator for the lightline vim plugin
Nova Vim
Nova color scheme plugin for Vim
Check syntax on the fly asynchronously.
C Compiler written in Vim script
Vim Thematic
Alter Vim's appearance to suit your task & environ
A simple task and time manager. Project moved here:
Vim plugin that allows use of vifm as a file picker
Swiss Army Knife,Dark power vim config
Vim Dispatch
dispatch.vim: Asynchronous build and test dispatcher
Jupyter Vim
Make Vim talk to Jupyter kernels
Visual Split.vim
Vim plugin to control splits with visual selections or text objects
Change an HTML(ish) opening tag and take the closing one along as well
Vim Glsl
Vim runtime files for OpenGL Shading Language
Vim Mergetool
🍰 Efficient way of using Vim as a Git mergetool
Exit Vim
Vim plugin that exits Vim on startup
Vim You Autocorrect
Why should smartphones get all the fun?
A Vim Window Animation Library
latex live preview - plugin for neovim and vim 8
REPLs play nicely with :terminal on Vim and Neovim
Vim Dadbod Completion
Database autocompletion powered by
A vim-frontend for interacting with psql
Github Complete.vim
Vim input completion for GitHub
Vim Markbar
Display all accessible marks and their surrounding lines in a collapsible sidebar.
easily interact with tmux from vim
Vim Import Js
Vim plugin for ImportJS
Nerdtree Git Plugin
A plugin of NERDTree showing git status
📫 Simple mail client for Vim.
Tlib vim
Some utility functions for VIM
Vim Better Default
🎨 Simplify your .vimrc and make the default vim better
Open from Vim
Vim Bujo
A minimalist task manager for vim.
Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words
Vem Tabline
A lightweight Vim/Neovim plugin to display buffers and tabs in the tabline
Quickfixsigns vim
Mark quickfix & location list items with signs
Vim Todo Lists
Vim plugin for TODO lists
Vim Operator Surround
Vim operator mapping to enclose text objects with surrounds like paren, quote and so on.
Vim Gdscript3
Syntax highlighting and completion for GDScript 3
Vim Youdao Translater
1-60 of 337 vim-plugin projects