Top 72 vue-plugin open source projects

Make Vue greater with RxTS.
Vue Lazy Render
A vue component for lazy rending vue component
Vue Emoji Picker
Very simple, yet powerful, vue emoji picker 🎉🔥🚀
🎨 Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design
Vue Swal
A small wrapper for integrating SweetAlert to Vuejs
Vue Dragscroll
A vue directive to make a scrollable element scroll by draging to the scroll direction
Vue Warehouse
A Cross-browser storage for Vue.js and Nuxt.js, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on Store.js.
Vue Uweb
vue 友盟统计埋点插件
Vue Scrollto
Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
Vue Jsonp
A tiny library for handling JSONP request.
Vue Plugin Simple
A template to create vue plugins and shareable components.
Vue D3
a vue.js plugin for D3
Vue Ellipse Progress
A Vue.js component to create beautiful animated circular progress bars
Vue Core Image Upload
a vue plugin for image to crop and upload
Vue Toastr
Vuejs Toast : Plugin and Component Capability.
V Dragged
Vue directive plugin for drag event detection.
Vue Qrcode Reader
A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes.
Vue Async Computed
Async computed properties for Vue.js
Vue Tabevents
Event-Based communication across opened tabs for Vue 2.x
Vue Loadable
⏳ Improve your loading state control with pretty simple methods and helpers.
Vue Js Toggle Button
🍥 Vue.js 2 toggle / switch button - simple, pretty, customizable
Vue Ls
💥 Vue plugin for work with local storage, session storage and memory storage from Vue context
【🔥Vue.js资讯📚】目前web前端开发非常火爆的框架;定时更新,欢迎 Star 一下。
Vue Js Modal
Easy to use, highly customizable Vue.js modal library.
👀 Vue in React, React in Vue. Seamless integration of the two. 👯
Vue Toast
A mobile toast plugin for vue2.
A vue plugin for nesting scroller ,you can use it to expand more components such as banner,date-piacker and so on.
A prompt component based on vue2.0
【🔥Vue.js资讯📚】目前web前端开发非常火爆的框架;定时更新,欢迎 Star 一下。
Add UUID to Vue instance.
Vue.js plugin for local storage and session storage (1.8 kb min+gz) 💾
Component and HTML unique id generation plugin for Vue.js
🍻 An automatic storage plugin for Vue2, persist the data with localStorage.
vue2.x emoji plugin, autoload fontawesome
vue cli plugin that setup vue project for chrome extension
A simple Vue image cropping component.
A deadly simple i18n translate plugin for Vue, ready for Server Side Rendering.
1-60 of 72 vue-plugin projects