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Top 1949 webpack open source projects

React Cnode Touch
📝Webpack loader for Omi.js React.js and Rax.js components 基于 Omi.js,React.js 和 Rax.js 单文件组件的webpack模块加载器
Create React Server
Server & middleware for React + Router + Redux with Server Side Rendering
🤥To translate political language for people's language
Eleventy Starter Boilerplate
🚀 Eleventy Starter is production-ready with SEO-friendly for quickly starting a blog. ⚡ Built with Eleventy, ESLint, Prettier, Webpack, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS and Netlify CMS (optional).
Code Splitting React Webpack
An example of how to code split with Webpack 2 and React Router
Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack 3 , 4 and 5
Redux React Starter
DEPRECATED use the new
Webpack Unused
Check your frontend code for files/assets that are no longer used.
Ngx Quill Example
demo app for the advanced usage of ngx-quill module
Speed Measure Webpack Plugin
⏱ See how fast (or not) your plugins and loaders are, so you can optimise your builds
Wp Tailwind
A WordPress starter theme that utilizes Tailwind + PurgeCSS.
Webpack Guide
Webpack Handbook
170330 webpack
Base Camp
Awesome WordPress starter theme for developers based on modern web technologies.
Webpack Bundle Analyzer
Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
Learning Article
学习资源 or 大前端导航,持续更新
Webpack Internal Plugin Relation
🔎 a tiny tool to show the relation of webpack internal plugins & hooks
Dev Toolkit
Universal Development Toolkit for Javascript People
Size Plugin
Track compressed Webpack asset sizes over time.
React Webpack Rails Tutorial
Example of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! Live Demo:
Fe Interview
😃 每日一道经典前端面试题,一起共同成长。
React Redux Bootstrap Webpack Starter
React 16.9 + Typescript + React-Router 4 + Redux + Bootstrap 4 + Hot Reload + redux-devtools-extension + Webpack 4 + styled-components STARTER
Expo Cli
Tools for creating, running, and deploying universal Expo and React Native apps
Fe Blog Repository
♻️ 🚀我的前端学习笔记仓库✨
Angular2 Esnext Todomvc
Angular TodoMVC application in Javascript (ES6/ES7).
Webpack Visualizer
Visualize your Webpack bundle
Modern Javascript
Code for's "Modern JavaScript" course
Ie Webpack Start
Vconsole Webpack Plugin
webpack plugin for vConsole
Webpack Starter
✨ A lightweight foundation for your next webpack based frontend project.
Webpack Plugin Hash Output
Plugin to replace webpack chunkhash with an md5 hash of the final file conent.
🧩 A zero-config, out-of-the-box, multi-purpose toolbox and development environment
Rollbar Sourcemap Webpack Plugin
A Webpack plugin to upload sourcemaps to Rollbar
Apollo Universal Starter Kit
Apollo Universal Starter Kit is an SEO-friendly, fully-configured, modular starter application that helps developers to streamline web, server, and mobile development with cutting-edge technologies and ultimate code reuse.
Hot Reload All The Things
Starter project for HMR with backend routes and server/client-side react.
Koa Vue Fullstack
A lightweight boilerplate for a universal webapp based on koa, mongodb, node, vue, and webpack
Webapp Webpack Plugin
[DEPRECATED] use favicons-webpack-plugin instead
Bad Ass Salesforce Stack
B.A.S.S. Starter: react / redux / typescript / antd / ts-force / sfdx / webpack / salesforce
301-360 of 1949 webpack projects