Top 5743 dart open source projects

251. Flutter Things Todo
An example Todo App using Flutter with advanced features
252. Flutter trip
Flutter 仿携程网App
✭ 188
253. Matinee Flutter
This is an app that displays you details of movies that you can search for , or browse.
254. Flutter sticky infinite list
Multi directional infinite list with Sticky headers for Flutter applications
255. Skype Clone
Making a fully functional skype clone in flutter.
✭ 189
256. Flutter Ui Kit
A repository full of beautiful UI examples in Flutter
257. Tsacdop
Enjoy podcasts with Tsacdop! A podcast player built with flutter.
258. Dart Uuid
Generate RFC4122(v1,v4,v5) UUIDs
✭ 188
259. Jaguar orm
Source-generated ORM with relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), preloading, cascading, polymorphic relations, etc
260. Flutter spinkit
✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by
261. Ox Coi
OX COI Messenger - a Flutter app for the COI (Chat Over IMAP) standard
262. Tab bar animation
Flutter app to demonstrate a tab bar animation found on Dribbble
✭ 188
263. Flutter Login Screen Firebase Auth Facebook Login
Flutter Login Screen with Firebase Auth and Facebook Login
✭ 187
264. Foodapp
Flutter Food APP Desing
265. Search widget
Flutter package: Search Widget for selecting an option from a data list.
266. Camera awesome
A flutter plugin to handle Android / iOS camera
267. Frideos flutter
An all-in-one Fllutter package for state management, reactive objects, animations, effects, timed widgets etc.
268. Instory
🦋Beautiful flutter app for downloading Instagram stories 🚀
✭ 186
269. Unpub
Self-hosted private Dart Pub server for Enterprise
270. Boxtout
An open source food delivery product and service that will be developed on the FilledStacks YouTube channel
✭ 179
271. Grinder.dart
Dart workflows, automated
✭ 185
272. Flutter hrlweibo
Flutter仿微博客户端, 包含首页、视频、发现、消息(仿微博聊界面)及个人中心模块
273. Charts
✭ 2,513
274. Blaise wallet flutter
Blaise Wallet - A wallet for the Pascal cryptocurrency, made with Flutter
✭ 185
275. Flutter opentrivia
OpenTrivia-A quiz app made with flutter
276. Tik Tok App Clone Flutter
A clone of the TikTok App using Flutter.
✭ 186
277. Sharik
Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
279. Flutter colorpicker
A HSV(HSB)/HSL color picker inspired by chrome devtools and a material color picker for your flutter app.
280. Wanandroid
A client written by Flutter
✭ 185
281. Pin code text field
A highly customisable Flutter widget for entering pin code. Suitable for use cases such as login and OTP.
✭ 185
282. Flutter Native State
Flutter plugin to help restoring state after the app process was killed
283. Storyboard
Flutter Storyboard
284. Flutter shuqi
高仿书旗小说 Flutter版,支持iOS、Android
✭ 2,307
285. Hive
Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart.
286. Halo App
📱 Halo admin app client.
✭ 184
287. Flutter ecommerce ui clone
Demo UI of e-commerce app made with Flutter.
✭ 182
288. Songtube App
Simple & Beautiful App (Tool) made in Flutter to Download Media from YouTube
✭ 182
289. Polymer Dart
Polymer support for Dart
✭ 183
290. Flutter nb
一个集成环信IM的Flutter项目。(Flutter IM,Flutter即时通讯)
✭ 182
291. Flutter Circular Slider
A customizable circular slider for Flutter.
293. Slimycard Animated Flutter Package
SlimyCard provides a beautiful slime-like animation of a Card that separates into two different Cards, one at the top and the another at bottom. It is possible to put any custom widget in these two separate cards.
295. Fluttergames
Flutter app for purchasing and renting games.
296. Flutter pagewise
A library for widgets that load their content one page (or batch) at a time.
✭ 182
297. Flutter image editor
Flutter plugin, support android/ios.Support crop, flip, rotate, color martix, mix image, add text. merge multi images.
298. Flutter learn news
✭ 182
299. Flutter
study flutter
✭ 181
300. Fed Note
我是Mokou, 📘 这里是写前端博客和备忘学习的地方。Vue3 源码解析连载中。喜欢请Star。