Top 2029 emacs lisp open source projects

251. yesod-crud
Generic administrative CRUD operations as a Yesod subsite
252. docker
Dockerfile for PGroonga
253. tablist
Extended tabulated-list-mode
254. libbert
A BERT library for C++ and C
255. sketched-books
Sketched Books plus build scripts
257. ansible-vault-mode
Minor mode for manipulating ansible-vault files
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emacs lisp
258. org-starter
Configure files and directories in Org mode more easily
259. org2jekyll
Blogging with org-mode and jekyll without alien yaml headers.
261. dotfiles
Dotfiles and shell scripts
262. elpa-mirror
Mirror for some Emacs package archives
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emacs lisp
263. concerto
Multiplayer clojure!
264. kde-dev-scripts
Scripts and setting files useful during development of KDE software
265. MariaCpp
C++ connector library for MariaDB (MySQL)
266. emacs-aes
Emacs Lisp implementation of AES
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267. outline-magic
This file implements extensions for (Emacs) outline(-minor)-mode.
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268. major-mode-dedication
Dedicate an emacs major mode to a particular emacs window
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269. evil-args
Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil.
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270. calibre-query.el
query calibre from emacs, useful for referencing work
272. anything-on-rails
Adds useful anything sources for use with Ruby on Rails development
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273. dotfiles
tadsan@zonuexe's dotfiles (.emacs, .zsh*, .profile... etc.)
274. coin-ticker-mode
Emacs minor mode for showing the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.
275. emacs-auto-deployment
Copy file on save, automatic deployment it. aka auto-deployment.
276. unpaper
A post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper.
277. spacelite
Lightweight evil configuration for Emacs
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278. helm-chrome
Helm interface for Chrome bookmarks
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279. ob-mongo
Execute mongodb queries within org-mode blocks.
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280. Nameless
Less is more. Hide package namespace in your emacs-lisp code
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281. ace-mc
Add Multiple Cursors using Ace Jump
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283. cljsbuild-mode
A minor mode for the ClojureScript 'lein cljsbuild' command
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284. vanilla-emacs
No description, website, or topics provided.
285. deepin-emacs
mirrored from
286. emacs-web-server
Extensible Emacs HTTP 1.1 server
288. sqlformat
Reformat SQL code inside Emacs using sqlformat or pgformatter
289. archived-pangyp
Node.js and io.js native addon build tool a (hopefully temporary) fork of TooTallNate/node-gyp
292. org-ac
Provide auto-complete sources for org-mode.
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293. topsy.el
Simple sticky header showing definition beyond top of window
296. ts-comint
ts-comint will send the code from Emacs into a Typescript REPL.
297. soft-charcoal-theme
Emacs24 theme with a charcoal background.
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298. el-mock.el
Mocking library for Emacs
299. jest-test-mode
Emacs minor mode for running jest (Node.js test framework)
300. simple-call-tree
Extension to simple-call-tree.el - emacs lisp code for displaying a simple call tree.
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251-300 of 2029 emacs lisp projects