Top 481 FreeMarker open source projects

251. scala-ddd-base
scala-ddd-base provides traits to support for ddd repositories and aggregates.
252. DroiDon
UNDER DEVELOPMENT: DroiDon is android app for Mastodon
253. QuickStart-admin-Cloud
基于spring boot 2.0.8 目前集成了spring security oauth2 (server and client)、springboot-admin、openfeign、hystrix,zuul(后续会替换成gateway),config.....等组件
254. particity
Participatory marketplace for voluntary services/donations
257. xc-online-backend
🐎基于SpringBoot + SpringCloud+Spring security + Oauth2+ ElasticSearch + RabbitMQ + Logstash开发的在线教育系统
258. sell
慕课网Spring Boot企业微信点餐系统
259. camelot
Simplified scalable aggregation and processing framework built upon Apache Camel.
261. wms
开源 scm crm wms解决方案
266. Kotlin-Android-Studio-Templates
Kotlin Android Studio Templates - A collection of templates in Kotlin
267. padla
Plain And Direct Language Additions for Java
269. Mastering-Microservices-with-Java-9-Second-Edition
Mastering Microservices with Java 9 – Second Edition, published by Packt
270. douyinVideo
271. avans
Tiny thin web application framework for Java 8
273. spring-boot
List of example codes related to spring boot. More details are available at :
274. kotlin-dvd-rental
Kotlin x Spring boot x Doma2. Sample project with postgres dvd rental database
275. struts2 vulns
Struts2 vuln env
276. eg-spring
No description, website, or topics provided.
277. doit
此项目是我的最新版的个人博客源代码。由于之前写的第一版没有考虑到不采取静态化的方式搜索引擎会检索不到文章,那样的话就毫无意义。所以重新写了第二版,也就是这一版。技术点。1. 数据库采用mysql5。2. 静态化采用spring mvc+freemarker+java流生成文件。3. 后台服务采用spring+hibernate来实现快速的搭建整个MVC中的M模块。4. 前台响应式+各种交互。
279. flink-learn
Learning Flink : Flink CEP,Flink Core,Flink SQL
280. spring-boot-pdf
📑 spring boot pdf download
281. nej-toolkit
282. sherlok
Distributed restful text mining.
284. document-genteration
286. synopsys-detect
Scanning and analysis for Synopsys products.
287. swagger2html
swagger json => html doc readable by everybody
288. Modern-Java-Web-Applications-with-Spring-Boot-2.x
Modern Java Web Applications with Spring Boot 2.x, Published by Packt
290. allure-notifications
jar, that draws piechart from results and sends it with link to build to messenger
291. sa-fast
293. weibo-resource-download
微博 [ 图片 | 视频 ] 下载
294. DiscoveryPlatform
☀️ Nepxion DiscoveryPlatform is a platform for Nepxion Discovery with service governance, release orchestration, flow inspection, instance blacklist, gateway route 服务治理、蓝绿灰度编排、流量侦测、实例摘除、网关路由的平台
295. Vitro
Vitro is a "full stack" framework for building semantic web applications. It is not domain specific.
296. tools-gem
Tool for generating annotation helper code
297. spring-boot-samples
Spring Boot Demos of SpringSource or mine
298. jason-sms
sms = SpringMVC + Mybatis + Shiro
299. non-zero system
300. tto
The simple code generator written by golang, support multiple program language, mysql, postgresql databases. 一个使用Go编写的支持多种编程语言的代码生成器, 数据库支持mysql和postgresql
251-300 of 481 FreeMarker projects