Top 2714 groovy open source projects

51. Geb Example Gradle
An example project for using Geb in a Gradle build (Spock and JUnit 4)
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52. Lock Manager
Lock Manager
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53. Grails Doc
Documentation Project For The Grails Web Application Framework
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56. Gradle Git Properties
Gradle plugin for `` file generation
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57. Gank4android
Deprecated 使用Groovy开发的Gank.IO的Android客户端
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58. Janusgraph Utils
Develop a graph database app using JanusGraph
59. Micromodule
Rebuild multiple complete module structures within the module.
60. Groovyfx
A library for writing JavaFX 8 applications in the Groovy language.
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61. Orca
Orchestration engine
62. Gradle Hockeyapp Plugin
A Gradle plugin for uploading iOS and Android Apps to HockeyApp.
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63. Scripts
Groovy Scripts for FileBot
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64. Bpipe
Bpipe - a tool for running and managing bioinformatics pipelines
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65. Json Avro Converter
JSON to Avro conversion tool designed to make migration to Avro easier.
67. Fabric8 Jenkinsfile Library
This repository contains a library of reusable Jenkinsfiles that you can use on your projects. Its reused by the fabric8 console to associate Jenkinsfiles to projects
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68. Groovyinaction
Source code of the book Groovy in Action, 2nd edition
69. Gmongo
A Groovy wrapper to the mongodb Java driver
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70. Gradle Fatjar Plugin
Gradle FatJAR Plugin
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71. Frontlinesms2
FrontlineSMS is desktop/cloud based software created to lower barriers to positive social change using mobile technology
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72. Gradle Launch4j
A gradle-plugin to create windows executables with launch4j
73. Gradle Avro Plugin
A Gradle plugin to allow easily performing Java code generation for Apache Avro. It supports JSON schema declaration files, JSON protocol declaration files, and Avro IDL files.
74. Click Debounce
Using ASM to handle Android's click debounce, specially a quick double click.
75. Awesome Micronaut
A curated list of resources for the Micronaut JVM framework
76. Dexguard
Android app防dex2jar的gradle插件
77. Http Builder Ng
The easy HTTP client for Groovy (and Java).
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78. Lgtmin
Say 'Looks good to me' with pictures
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79. Gradle Lombok
Gradle plugin for Lombok support
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80. Making Java Groovy
Source code for Manning book "Making Java Groovy"
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81. Gradle Dependency Analyze
Dependency analysis plugin for gradle
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82. Nexus3 Oss
Ansible role to install and provision sonatype nexus3-oss
83. Smartthingspublic
SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
84. Nebula Release Plugin
Release opinions based around gradle-git
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85. Checkresourceconflict
Android 自动检测资源冲突的gradle 插件(An Android Gradle Plugin For Checking Conflict Resources)
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86. Gradle Gatling Plugin
Gatling Plugin for Gradle
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87. Gradle Properties Plugin
Gradle plugin to simplify loading project properties from external environment specific files
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88. Digitalocean Api Java
DigitalOcean API Client in Java
89. Useful Jenkins Groovy Init Scripts
A repo of useful groovy init scripts for working with jenkins hooks..
90. Classplugin
A flexible class replacement plugin for gradle
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91. Webtau
Webtau (short for web test automation) is a testing API, command line tool and a framework to write unit, integration and end-to-end tests. Test across REST-API, Graph QL, Browser, Database, CLI and Business Logic with consistent set of matchers and concepts. REPL mode speeds-up tests development. Rich reporting cuts down investigation time.
92. Grails Website
Grails Web Site
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93. Pipeline Library
Collection of custom steps and variables for our Jenkins instance(s)
95. Bintray Release
A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray
96. Versioning
Gradle plug-in to generate version information from the SCM branch (Git or Svn)
97. Apache Groovy Course
Apache Groovy Course
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98. Jenkins Configuration
A collection of utilities for configuring a Jenkins instance and its plugins
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99. Gaiden
Gaiden is a tool that makes it easy to create documentation with Markdown.
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100. Gradle
Adaptable, fast automation for all
51-100 of 2714 groovy projects