Top 9240 kotlin open source projects

51. Flopsy
A cute little bunny animation that responds to text field interactions.
52. Flutter Nfc Reader
Flutter NFC reader plugin for iOS and Android
53. Books jetpack
A sample application to demonstrate how to use Jetpack Architecture Components in an Android Application following the Clean Architecture concepts.
54. Labcoat
GitLab client for Android. Mirror of project on GitLab
55. Movies Kotlin Kata
Katas for practice Kotlin( Coroutines, dataclasses, delegate properties...) Clean Architecture and best practices in Android(DI, Dagger, MVP, Espresso) implemented by Jorge Sánchez (Xurxodev)
56. Kotlin
⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review
✭ 242
57. Windowtree
✭ 241
58. Fpsviewer
A Real-time Fps Tool for Android
✭ 241
59. Kotlin Csv
Pure Kotlin CSV Reader/Writer
✭ 238
60. Better Parse
A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
61. Today I Learned
📝 Today I Learned - A list of all things I learn on daily basis.
62. Lcardview
63. Pycharm Security
Finds security holes in your Python projects from PyCharm and GitHub
✭ 240
65. Template
The official Substratum Theme Template actively updated by the team!
✭ 239
66. Dogbin
The sexiest pastebin and url shortener ever
67. Geeknews
An MVVM practice app that uses Kotlin, DataBinding, LiveData, ViewModel and Room. The app's data source is from
68. Onboardingscreen
create animated onboarding or welcome screen with MotionLayout
69. Autolinktextviewv2
AutoLinkTextView is a TextView that supports automatic detection of Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) , URLs (http://), Phone Nubers and emails
70. Baking App Kotlin
Android architecture sample with dynamic feature modularisation, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, DFM Navigation, kotlin coroutines with StateFlow and Exo player.
71. Metrodroid
Read data from public transit cards using your NFC Android phone! (iOS 13 and PC/SC support coming soon)
72. Spring Kotlin Functional
Spring Framework 5 Kotlin APIs, the functional way
✭ 237
73. Ratpoison
Latest Ver: 1.7; Default Menu Key is F1; Charlatano's Successor; dn
75. Fingerprint2sleep
Perform quick actions via tap fingerprint sensor.
✭ 237
77. Dialogsheet
An Android library to create fully material designed bottom dialogs similar to the Android Pay app.
78. Alkaa
Open-source app to manage your tasks quickly and easily
79. Pageindicator
An Instagram like page indicator compatible with RecyclerView and ViewPager.
80. Fluttergeofencing
Rough work for Flutter geofencing plugin
✭ 235
A Kotlin-based testing/scraping/parsing library providing the ability to analyze and extract data from HTML (server & client-side rendered). It places particular emphasis on ease of use and a high level of readability by providing an intuitive DSL. It aims to be a testing lib, but can also be used to scrape websites in a convenient fashion.
83. Rickandmorty Androidarchitecturesample
A Rick And Morty simple app to show one approach to using some of the best practices in Android Development.
84. Threadtracker
thread tracing for android
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85. Vigilante
🛡️ Android security (camera/microphone dots indicators) app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Paging, Security, Biometrics, Start-up) based on MVVM architecture.
86. Kotlinconf App
KotlinConf Schedule Application
✭ 2,633
87. Kotlin Koans
Kotlin workshop
✭ 2,584
88. Rules kotlin
Bazel rules for Kotlin
89. Magiccamera3
30+Camera different effects with C++ and opengles 3.0
90. Lin
Lin is an Android Lint tool made simple
91. Pr0
Offizielle pr0gramm app für Android. Download auf
✭ 234
92. Openct Android
open class table for android
93. Noise
Noise is an Android wrapper for kissfft, a FFT implementation written in C.
94. Android spy app
This is a android spy app, which uploads user data such as contacts, messages, call log, send message(s), photos, videos, open a browser link etc. Android Rat
95. Faded
Client did not pay? Add opacity to UI components and decrease it every day until their app completely fades away.
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96. Ulfberht
🗡️ A small but powerful & opinionated DI library. Written in Kotlin, and powered by annotation processing.
97. Kotlin Numpy
Kotlin bindings for NumPy
✭ 233
98. Mockito Kotlin
Using Mockito with Kotlin
100. Jetpackcomposecalculator
A jetpack compose clone of Android 10 Calculator UI
✭ 232
51-100 of 9240 kotlin projects