Top 115 NASL open source projects

1. Dnscat2
No description, website, or topics provided.
2. Fairemail
Fully featured, open source, privacy friendly email app for Android
4. Keystone
Keystone assembler framework: Core (Arm, Arm64, Hexagon, Mips, PowerPC, Sparc, SystemZ & X86) + bindings
5. Abseil Cpp
Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
7. base
Horde Application Framework
8. FairEmail
No description, website, or topics provided.
10. lmp-manifest
Repo manifest and scripts for Linux microPlatform.
11. Plainext
Rainmeter skin built entirely with only string meters (and other measures).
12. neowx-material
Brand new NeoWX - Version 2021 - with Material Design
13. csprng
Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators for PyTorch
14. meta-wpe
Yocto/OE - Web Platform for Embedded (WPE)
15. dcs-bios-arduino-library
A library designed to run on Arduinos and similar microcontrollers and communicate with DCS-BIOS.
16. meta-altera
Official Altera BSP layer for OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project
17. DOS-debug
Debug and DebugX are extended versions of the old MS DEBUG tool
18. riscv-debian
A set of scripts to build a (somewhat) working Debian image for RISC-V.
19. mmga
Script for flashing coreboot on MacBooks without using external SPI programmer
21. that terminal
It’s that terminal! This project was mostly created (or started) in a livestream series.
24. meta-pelux
PELUX is an open source, GENIVI compliant development platform that supports the Qt Automotive Suite
25. DotX64Dbg
x64Dbg plugin that enables C# plugins with hot-loading support and scripting.
26. meta-topic
OpenEmbedded/Yocto layer for topic products. Contains BSP for Miami boards and Florida carriers.
28. meta-freescale-3rdparty
OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for Freescale's ARM based platforms
30. mGstat
No description, website, or topics provided.
31. gunns
The NASA General-Use Nodal Network Solver (GUNNS) software
32. s2
Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
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34. edk2-MSM8998
No description, website, or topics provided.
35. cctest
cctest is a simple, practical, and scalable xUnit Test Framework in Modern C++
36. SmartSetApps
SmartSet apps for keyboards, foots pedals and more
37. ospd-openvas
ospd-openvas is an OSP server implementation to allow GVM to remotely control an OpenVAS Scanner
38. micvision
Micvision package provide exploration and location for robot using navigation and cartographer packages
39. Brion
Blue Brain C++ File IO Library
40. build-instructions
Contains build scripts and instructions for software on a variety of UK HPC resources
41. firestore-ios-sdk-frameworks
⚡ Precompiled Firestore iOS SDKs extracted from the Firebase iOS SDK repository release downloads for faster build times.
43. rondb
This is RonDB, a distribution of NDB Cluster developed and used by Logical Clocks AB. It also contains development branches of RonDB.
44. meta-qt5-extra
OE layer for desktop environments based on Qt5 (KDE KF5+Plasma+Apps / lirios / lxqt / lumina)
45. embedded-sps
Embedded i2c Driver for Sensirion Particulate Matter Sensors - Download the Zip Package from the Release Page
46. uif
Tool for generating optimized firewall rules
47. FvckThisTermCollection BUPT
Collection of course design during the 2nd term of GRADE 2 in CS BUPT
48. Exploits
A personal collection of Windows CVE I have turned in to exploit source, as well as a collection of payloads I've written to be used in conjunction with these exploits.
49. adlmidi
ADLMIDI is a MIDI player that uses OPL3 emulation.
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50. atmos
No description, website, or topics provided.
1-50 of 115 NASL projects