Top 1442 python3 open source projects

52. Chirp
Interface to manage and centralize Google Alert information
55. Python Nginx
Create and modify nginx serverblock configs in Python
56. Tlg joincaptchabot
Telegram Bot to verify if users that join a group, are humans. The Bot send an image captcha for each new user, and kick any of them that can't solve the captcha in a specified time.
57. Sourcecodeofbook
《Python爬虫开发 从入门到实战》配套源代码。
58. Deepresearch
This repository is the collection of research papers in Deep learning, computer vision and NLP.
59. Darkscrape
OSINT Tool For Scraping Dark Websites
60. Bbox Visualizer
Make drawing and labeling bounding boxes easy as cake
61. Automated Resume Screening System
Automated Resume Screening System using Machine Learning (With Dataset)
62. Stacki
Linux Cluster Builder - Bare Metal Red Hat & SUSE
63. Linqit
Extend python lists with .NET's LINQ syntax for clean and fast coding. Also known as PINQ.
64. Crosslinked
LinkedIn enumeration tool to extract valid employee names from an organization through search engine scraping
65. Sitedorks
Search Google/Bing/Ecosia/DuckDuckGo/Yandex/Yahoo for a search term with a default set of websites, bug bounty programs or a custom collection.
66. Checkinbox
68. Piccolo
A fast, user friendly ORM and query builder which supports asyncio.
70. Py Bitcoin
71. Drymail
Makes sending emails easy and DRY — For Python 3.
72. Auto viml
Automatically Build Multiple ML Models with a Single Line of Code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators Welcome. Permission Granted upon Request.
73. Website
django 开发的BBS博客项目, 此项目包含多用户注册,话题模块,发布文章,文章评论,课程、社区BBS以及消息提示,关注,采用邮箱注册,激活验证登录,以及QQ注册登录,招募作者发布教程在后台管理系统发布, pc采用模板渲染,cms采用vue drf前后分离,登录采用JWT认证登录、移动端采用react开发,
74. Qhexedit2
Binary Editor for Qt
75. Ulid
Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Python 3
76. Static Frame
Immutable and grow-only Pandas-like DataFrames with a more explicit and consistent interface.
77. Sidetable
sidetable builds simple but useful summary tables of your data
78. Net Spider
新手小白~~持续更新中〜随意Fork,Star,大佬萌多多issue哦 (目前更新: 1.短视频视频无水印解析(支持超过30多个平台 e.g., 抖音,快手,微博...) 2.bilibili音视频解析🐱‍👓 3.知音漫客图片加密 🔥 4. 世纪佳缘信息👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 5.小鸡词典🐥🐥。。。。。。
79. Awkward 0.x
Manipulate arrays of complex data structures as easily as Numpy.
80. Jd mask robot
81. Censys Python
An easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for the Censys Search Engine
82. Steampy
A Steam trading library for python 3
83. Haishoku
A development tool for grabbing the dominant color or representative color palette from an image
84. Neural sequence labeling
A TensorFlow implementation of Neural Sequence Labeling model, which is able to tackle sequence labeling tasks such as POS Tagging, Chunking, NER, Punctuation Restoration and etc.
85. Raid Toolbox
Raid ToolBox (RTB) is a big toolkit of Spamming/Raiding/Token management tools for discord.
86. Lspider
LSpider 一个为被动扫描器定制的前端爬虫
87. Python Hashes
Interesting (non-cryptographic) hashes implemented in pure Python.
88. 3dreconstruction
3D reconstruction, sfm with Python3
89. Summarizer
A Reddit bot that summarizes news articles written in Spanish or English. It uses a custom built algorithm to rank words and sentences.
90. Djangohunter
Tool designed to help identify incorrectly configured Django applications that are exposing sensitive information.
91. Mashumaro
Fast and well tested serialization framework on top of dataclasses
92. Brutedum
BruteDum - Brute Force attacks SSH, FTP, Telnet, PostgreSQL, RDP, VNC with Hydra, Medusa and Ncrack
93. Python Examples
Python技术 公众号文章代码实例
94. Singularity
A simulation of a true AI. Survive, grow, and learn.
96. Lgwebosremote
Command line webOS remote for LGTVs
97. Trixi
Manage your machine learning experiments with trixi - modular, reproducible, high fashion. An experiment infrastructure optimized for PyTorch, but flexible enough to work for your framework and your tastes.
98. Behavioral Cloning
Third Project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree Program
99. Shadowsocks Pyqt
一个用PyQt5实现的shadowsocks 客户端, 可以在 windows、linux、OSX 等平台上运行
51-100 of 1442 python3 projects