Top 1442 python3 open source projects

252. Learn2018 Autodown
清华大学新版网络学堂课程自动下载脚本 / A python script to clone all files from
253. Aoc
🎄 My solutions and walkthroughs for Advent of Code ( and more related stuff.
254. Openbook
Open source lilypond real book for Jazz musicians
255. Sqlservice
The missing SQLAlchemy ORM interface.
256. Competitive programming
Questions solved from Various Coding websites viz. HackerRank, HackerEarth, CodeChef and other websites. This repository also contains Questions from various offline and onsite competitions.
257. Interviewkeyofpython
Here is all about Python each related interview and interview experience (这里包含所有关于python各个相关岗位的面试真题以及面试经验),会即时更新以及收录最新的面试大全
✭ 159
260. Jiwer
Evaluate your speech-to-text system with similarity measures such as word error rate (WER)
261. Crawlerhot
今日热榜 抓取网站热榜信息,并且前端进行展示
262. Covid19 mobility
COVID-19 Mobility Data Aggregator. Scraper of Google, Apple, Waze and TomTom COVID-19 Mobility Reports🚶🚘🚉
263. Texsoup
fault-tolerant Python3 package for searching, navigating, and modifying LaTeX documents
264. Rpimotorlib
RpiMotorLib : Raspberry Pi Motor Library : A python 3 library for various motors and servos to connect to a raspberry pi
265. Aerialbot
A simple yet highly configurable bot that tweets geotagged aerial imagery of a random location in the world.
266. Grub2 Theme Preview
🌇 Preview a full GRUB 2.x theme (or just a background image) using KVM / QEMU
267. Batchflow
BatchFlow helps you conveniently work with random or sequential batches of your data and define data processing and machine learning workflows even for datasets that do not fit into memory.
268. Wxpython Tutorial
wxPython 中文简明教程
269. Flashsploit
Exploitation Framework for ATtiny85 Based HID Attacks
270. Scylla
The Simplistic Information Gathering Engine | Find Advanced Information on a Username, Website, Phone Number, etc.
271. Amitools
Various tools for using AmigaOS programs on other platforms
272. Qxf2 Page Object Model
Write Selenium and Appium tests in Python using the Page Object pattern. This Pythonic GUI and API test automation framework will help you get started with QA automation quickly. It comes with many useful integrations like - email, BrowserStack, Slack, TestRail, etc. This repository is developed and maintained by Qxf2 Services (
273. Bovespastockratings
Crawler for Fundamental analysis platform for BOVESPA stocks, generating a score for each share according to the selected criteria on the indicators.
274. Django Newsfeed
A news curator and newsletter subscription package for Django
275. Cbox
convert any python function to unix-style command
277. Zroya
[Partialy working][Stale] Python extension for creating native Windows notifications.
278. Fb Messenger Whatsapp Discord Message Spammer
Annoying Python program that sends a users on your Facebook Messenger/Whatsapp/Discord any text, word by word
280. Scalpl
A lightweight wrapper to operate on nested dictionaries seamlessly. 👌
281. Python Clustering Exercises
Jupyter Notebook exercises for k-means clustering with Python 3 and scikit-learn
284. Deep Sad Pytorch
A PyTorch implementation of Deep SAD, a deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection method.
286. Speecht
An opensource speech-to-text software written in tensorflow
287. Pytorch Pose Estimation
PyTorch Implementation of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation project.
288. Django School Management
Deployment Ready Developer to Developer Full-stack School Management System with payments, e-admission, result management, academic functionalities, and much more implemented in a simple way.
289. Python Overpy
Python Wrapper to access the Overpass API
290. Something For Reddit
A Reddit Client For GNOME (with Gtk+ and Python)
291. Sillyrat
A Cross Platform multifunctional (Windows/Linux/Mac) RAT.
292. Fastapi Jwt Auth
FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use, and lightweight)
293. Resumeparser
A simple resume parser used for extracting information from resumes
294. Kg Baseline Pytorch
2019百度的关系抽取比赛,使用Pytorch实现苏神的模型,F1在dev集可达到0.75,联合关系抽取,Joint Relation Extraction.
295. Yetanothersmsbomber
Clean, small and powerful SMS bomber script.
296. Macadam
Macadam是一个以Tensorflow(Keras)和bert4keras为基础,专注于文本分类、序列标注和关系抽取的自然语言处理工具包。支持RANDOM、WORD2VEC、FASTTEXT、BERT、ALBERT、ROBERTA、NEZHA、XLNET、ELECTRA、GPT-2等EMBEDDING嵌入; 支持FineTune、FastText、TextCNN、CharCNN、BiRNN、RCNN、DCNN、CRNN、DeepMoji、SelfAttention、HAN、Capsule等文本分类算法; 支持CRF、Bi-LSTM-CRF、CNN-LSTM、DGCNN、Bi-LSTM-LAN、Lattice-LSTM-Batch、MRC等序列标注算法。
297. Livecd Tools
Tools for building live CDs using DNF
298. Hilbertcurve
maps between 1-D space filling hilbert curve and N-D coordinates
299. Wide And Deep Keras
Keras implementation of Tensorflow's Wide and Deep Algorithm
300. Apk api key extractor
Automatically extracts API Keys from APK files
251-300 of 1442 python3 projects