Top 420 smalltalk open source projects

251. BouncyCastle.Crypto
252. Particular.Analyzers
Analyzers for use in Particular Software C# projects.
253. amber-skeleton
A template project for creating your own Amber-based projects.
255. SOLIDPrinciples
A C# code demonstrating all five SOLID principles, (mainly based on Chris Klug's TechEd North America presentation)
256. Toolkit
Repository for the SharpDX Toolkit
257. dotnet-forum-starter
ProductiveDev Forum Demo App
258. AutoStep
AutoStep Testing Framework - Core Libraries and Components
259. HHChaosToolkit
A set of MVVM tookit class libraries for uwp platform.
260. heysql
Sql-based orm based on smalltalk reflection ideas
261. rmov
Ruby wrapper for the QuickTime C API.
262. DotNetZip
Library for creating and reading .ZIP files from a .NET Language
264. croquet-squeak
Open Croquet for Squeak 5.x
266. Entitas-RTS-Template
Entitas RTS Template
267. xamarin-book-examples
Xamarin Mobile Application Development - Book Examples
268. ALinq
ALinq 是一个支持 Linq 的 ORM ,不但完整实现了 Linq to SQL 的全部功能和 API,而且比 Linq to SQL 支持更多的数据库。
269. CVAE Dial
CVAE_XGate model in paper "Xu, Dusek, Konstas, Rieser. Better Conversations by Modeling, Filtering, and Optimizing for Coherence and Diversity"
270. PDFSharp
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for reading, writing and editing PDF files.
271. NUnitBenchmarker
Framework to build benchmarks using NUnit with a nice display of results in real time
272. Teapot
Teapot micro web framework for Pharo Smalltalk
273. Freaky-Sources
Collection of freaky sources written on C# (mostly quines in different forms).
274. helios
Helios IDE for Amber Smalltalk
275. gt4gemstone-old
The Glamorous Toolkit for remote work with Gemstone/S
276. sparta
Sparta is a canvas on top of Skia.
279. CogNOS
A Cog VM in the bare metal using the Nopsys library
280. ITDD
The source code of our ACL2019 paper "Incremental Transformer with Deliberation Decoder for Document Grounded Conversations "
281. LDJAM41
Soccer Racing, a LDJAM41 game by Renaud Forestié
282. SQRL-For-Dot-Net-Standard
SQRL for the .Net Standard runtimes. Secure Quick Reliable Login is a highly secure user privacy based authentication system that removes the need for users to have more than one password for a global identity for more information of the protocal.
283. multiMLton
MLton for scalable multicore architectures
284. PdfSharp.Xamarin
PdfSharp port for iOS and Android
285. Roassal2
Agile Visualization Engine for Pharo and VisualWorks
286. Translit
C# library for cyrillic-latin transliteration (support only slavik languages) by GOST 7.79-2000 (ISO 9).
288. zara
Zara Engine for Survival Games
289. SharedSpheres
An example project to demonstrate an AR shared multiplayer experience using Unity ARKit Plugin for ARKit 2 and UNet
290. AppWorkshop
No description, website, or topics provided.
291. smsc
Flexible and scalable GSM Short Message Center (SMSC)
292. clr-via-csharp-4th-edition-code
clr via c# 里面的代码及其读书笔记
295. live-instance-viewer
Pharo utility for visualizing OO instance structure during runtime via UML instance models.
296. WaveIncoming
A top-down survival shooter for PC & Mac.
297. Gratch
Block-style programming environment for tackling graph structure and graph algorithm, based on MIT Scratch.
298. otr-verwaltung
Mit OTR-Verwaltung lassen sich otrkey- und avi-Dateien von unter Linux verwalten.
299. nyss
Nyss: a tool developed with the Red Cross for Community-Based Surveillance
300. ReStoreForPharo
Relational database persistence for Pharo objects
251-300 of 420 smalltalk projects