4. PrejssGet the power of PostCSS with plugins in your JSS styles. 🎨 Just put CSS into JS and get it as JSS object.
5. Rfs✩ Automates responsive resizing ✩
11. Django Static PrecompilerDjango Static Precompiler provides template tags and filters to compile CoffeeScript, LiveScript, SASS / SCSS, LESS, Stylus, Babel and Handlebars. It works with both inline code and external files.
14. HellohELLO is a Simple and Clean, Responsive theme for TISTORY
15. Feathers VueA boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO
17. Aero🚄 Fastest node.js framework. Go version is actively maintained: @aerogo
20. Styleguide🖌 Conjunction of design patterns, components and resources used across our products.
21. NibStylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation
27. Material Color🔆 The colour palette, based on Google's Material Design, for use in your project.
28. StylusExpressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
40. KodeweaveHTML/CSS/JS and Markdown Playground For Web Designers and Developers
42. Vertical RhythmPut some typographical vertical rhythm in your CSS. LESS, Stylus and SCSS/SASS versions included.
44. Moo Css模块化面向对象的css写法规范策略。适用于大中小型C端项目样式开发,旨在提高开发和维护效率。