fffaraz / Awesome Courses
Licence: unlicense
List of free online programming/CS courses [Massive Open Online Courses]
Stars: ✭ 273
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Awesome Courses
List of awesome free video courses for learning Computer Science!
Stars: ✭ 49 (-82.05%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, programming, courses, udemy
🔖 ⭐️ Collection of public dev bookmarks, shared with ❤️ from www.bookmarks.dev
Stars: ✭ 181 (-33.7%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, education, programming
Foxford courses
Шапка треда, посвященного курсам Фоксфорда и не только.
Stars: ✭ 268 (-1.83%)
Mutual labels: education, courses
Short C# code snippets for all your development needs
Stars: ✭ 132 (-51.65%)
Mutual labels: education, programming
Problem Set and Programming Assignment Solutions to Stanford University's Algorithms Specialization on Coursera & edX
Stars: ✭ 43 (-84.25%)
Mutual labels: programming, coursera
Curso de Ciência da Computação
Stars: ✭ 50 (-81.68%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, programming
Sakarya Üniversitesi'nde okuduğum süre boyunca karşıma çıkan tüm ödevler, ders notları ve çıkmış sınav soruları (All the assignments, lecture notes and exams)
Stars: ✭ 133 (-51.28%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, programming
Awesome CV
Curated educational list for computer vision
Stars: ✭ 68 (-75.09%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, education
Curated list of publicly accessible machine learning engineering courses from CalTech, Columbia, Berkeley, MIT, and Stanford.
Stars: ✭ 283 (+3.66%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, udemy
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
Stars: ✭ 861 (+215.38%)
Mutual labels: education, udemy
GUI app for downloading whole online courses with folder structure from one url
Stars: ✭ 20 (-92.67%)
Mutual labels: coursera, udemy
Сollection of interesting Computer Science resources
Stars: ✭ 133 (-51.28%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, courses
📖 Free online courses resources.
Stars: ✭ 51 (-81.32%)
Mutual labels: coursera, courses
Curated Computer Science and Programming Resource Guide
Stars: ✭ 42 (-84.62%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, programming
Flutter Free Courses
The best Courses and Series about Flutter and Dart 💙 available. Totally free 🆓!
Stars: ✭ 100 (-63.37%)
Mutual labels: udemy, courses
FREE university courses in ML from Top Universities in CS
Stars: ✭ 220 (-19.41%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, programming
📓 A curated collection of free public Computer Science classes from colleges across America
Stars: ✭ 791 (+189.74%)
Mutual labels: computer-science, education
Free Programming Courses
List of free online programming/CS courses
- Education Portal - education-portal.com
- MIT OpenCourseWare - ocw.mit.edu
- Microsoft Virtual Academy - microsoftvirtualacademy.com
- Online College Courses - onlinecourses.com
- Open Yale Courses - oyc.yale.edu
- alison - alison.com
- codecademy - codecademy.com
- computerscienceforeveryone computerscienceforeveryone.com
- coursera - coursera.org
- edx - edx.org
- iversity - iversity.org
- khanacademy - khanacademy.org
- openculture - openculture.com/computer_science_free_courses
- openhpi - openhpi.de
- openuniversity - openuniversity.edu/courses/global
- stanford online courses - online.stanford.edu/courses
- udacity - udacity.com
- udemy - udemy.com/courses
- mongodb - Free Online MongoDB Training
- tutorialspoint
- alison
- open source society university - ossu.firebaseapp.com
- reddit - learnprogramming
- reddit - /u/dhawal
- class-central Computer Science
- The 25 Best Places To Take Free Online Computer Science Classes
- 100 Free Online Courses On Computer Science
- Microsoft Research
- Microsoft Research Academic
- Google Scholar
- Research at Google
- Research at Google - Publications
- Research Publications at Facebook
- arxiv
- ieeexplore
- springer
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses
- romulomourao/awesome-courses
- open-source-society/computer-science
- Developer-Y/cs-video-courses
- chhantyal/influential-cs-books
- hackerkid/Mind-Expanding-Books
Persian / Farsi websites
- daneshabad - daneshabad.com
- darsnameh - darsnameh.com
- faradars
- farsi khanacademy - fa.khanacademy.org
- kelasedars - kelasedars.org
- maktabkhooneh - maktabkhooneh.org
- mit-ocw.sbu.ac.ir - mit-ocw.sbu.ac.ir
- takhtesefid - takhtesefid.org
- webyad - webyad.com
- ocw.sharif.edu - ocw.sharif.edu
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