Scipy-Bordeaux-2017Course taught at the University of Bordeaux in the academic year 2017 for PhD students.
Stars: ✭ 16 (-99.89%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Machine Learning With PythonPractice and tutorial-style notebooks covering wide variety of machine learning techniques
Stars: ✭ 2,197 (-84.41%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, numpy, matplotlib
Ml CheatsheetA constantly updated python machine learning cheatsheet
Stars: ✭ 136 (-99.04%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
TftbA Python module for time-frequency analysis
Stars: ✭ 185 (-98.69%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Data Analysis主要是爬虫与数据分析项目总结,外加建模与机器学习,模型的评估。
Stars: ✭ 142 (-98.99%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Python-MatematicaExplorando aspectos fundamentais da matemática com Python e Jupyter
Stars: ✭ 41 (-99.71%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Ai Learn人工智能学习路线图,整理近200个实战案例与项目,免费提供配套教材,零基础入门,就业实战!包括:Python,数学,机器学习,数据分析,深度学习,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,PyTorch tensorflow machine-learning,deep-learning data-analysis data-mining mathematics data-science artificial-intelligence python tensorflow tensorflow2 caffe keras pytorch algorithm numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn nlp cv等热门领域
Stars: ✭ 4,387 (-68.88%)
Mutual labels: artificial-intelligence, numpy, matplotlib
Data Science Ipython NotebooksData science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
Stars: ✭ 22,048 (+56.42%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Stats Maths With PythonGeneral statistics, mathematical programming, and numerical/scientific computing scripts and notebooks in Python
Stars: ✭ 381 (-97.3%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Mlcourse.aiOpen Machine Learning Course
Stars: ✭ 7,963 (-43.5%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Notes Python中文 Python 笔记
Stars: ✭ 6,127 (-56.53%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Ncar Python TutorialNumerical & Scientific Computing with Python Tutorial
Stars: ✭ 50 (-99.65%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Machine Learning ProjectsThis repository consists of all my Machine Learning Projects.
Stars: ✭ 135 (-99.04%)
Mutual labels: numpy, matplotlib
NptdmsNumPy based Python module for reading TDMS files produced by LabView
Stars: ✭ 138 (-99.02%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy
Ds Ai Tech Notes📖 [译] 数据科学和人工智能技术笔记
Stars: ✭ 131 (-99.07%)
Mutual labels: numpy, matplotlib
Piecewise linear fit pyfit piecewise linear data for a specified number of line segments
Stars: ✭ 141 (-99%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy
Micropython Ulaba numpy-like fast vector module for micropython, circuitpython, and their derivatives
Stars: ✭ 166 (-98.82%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scipy