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maputnik / Editor

Licence: mit
An open source visual editor for the 'Mapbox Style Specification'

Programming Languages

184084 projects - #8 most used programming language

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Editor

Maps Api For Javascript Examples
Self-contained examples for Maps API for JavaScript v3.
Stars: ✭ 130 (-88.86%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, geo, maps
An OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure.
Stars: ✭ 150 (-87.15%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, geo, maps
The Swift Geometry Engine.
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Mutual labels:  geospatial, geo, cartography, maps
A React Time Slider implementation for DECK.GL - (non)temporal data - by CPU filtering ⌛
Stars: ✭ 19 (-98.37%)
Mutual labels:  mapbox-gl, maps, mapping, mapbox-gl-js
R interface to and Mapbox
Stars: ✭ 296 (-74.64%)
Mutual labels:  geospatial, mapbox-gl, mapbox-gl-js, maps
Osm Liberty
A free Mapbox GL basemap style for everyone
Stars: ✭ 231 (-80.21%)
Mutual labels:  cartography, mapbox-gl, mapbox-gl-js, maps
Self-contained examples for the legacy Maps API for JavaScript.
Stars: ✭ 78 (-93.32%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, geo, maps
Each day, OSM Extracts by Interline mirrors the entire OpenStreetMap planet and creates city and region sized extracts
Stars: ✭ 34 (-97.09%)
Mutual labels:  maps, mapping, geo
A quintessentially American map style
Stars: ✭ 89 (-92.37%)
Mutual labels:  maps, mapping, cartography
♠ Thematic cartography ♠
Stars: ✭ 60 (-94.86%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, cartography, maps
Leaflet Dvf
Leaflet Data Visualization Framework
Stars: ✭ 678 (-41.9%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, maps
Leaflet Tilefilter
Change the appearance of Leaflet map tiles on the fly using a variety of canvas or CSS3 image filters. It's like Instagram for Leaflet map tiles.
Stars: ✭ 90 (-92.29%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, maps
JSFiddle implementation for interactive JavaScript examples.
Stars: ✭ 16 (-98.63%)
Mutual labels:  maps, mapping, geospatial
Mapbox Gl Js
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
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Mutual labels:  vector-tiles, mapbox-gl, mapbox-gl-js
Generic Mapping Tools Library Wrapper for Julia
Stars: ✭ 148 (-87.32%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geo, geospatial
Urbica React Cluster Component for Mapbox GL JS
Stars: ✭ 27 (-97.69%)
Mutual labels:  mapbox-gl, maps, mapbox-gl-js
AngularJS directive for Mapbox GL
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Mutual labels:  mapbox-gl, maps, mapbox-gl-js
OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
Stars: ✭ 258 (-77.89%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, maps
Road Orientation Map
A visualization of road orientations on an interactive map
Stars: ✭ 254 (-78.23%)
Mutual labels:  geospatial, mapbox-gl-js, maps
Mapsui is a .NET Map component for WPF, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS and UWP
Stars: ✭ 447 (-61.7%)
Mutual labels:  mapping, geospatial, geo
Maputnik logo


GitHub CI status License

A free and open visual editor for the Mapbox GL styles targeted at developers and map designers.


docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 maputnik/editor


Mapbox has built one of the best and most amazing OSS ecosystems. A key component to ensure its longevity and independence is an OSS map designer. If you or your organisation has seen value from Maputnik, please consider donating at


The documentation can be found in the Wiki. You are welcome to collaborate!

Design Map from Scratch


Maputnik is written in ES6 and is using React and Mapbox GL JS.

We ensure building and developing Maputnik works with the current active LTS Node.js version and above.

Install the deps, start the dev server and open the web browser on http://localhost:8888/.

# install dependencies
npm install
# start dev server
npm start

If you want Maputnik to be accessible externally use the --host option:

# start externally accessible dev server
npm start -- --host

The build process will watch for changes to the filesystem, rebuild and autoreload the editor. However note this from the webpack-dev-server docs:

webpack uses the file system to get notified of file changes. In some cases this does not work. For example, when using Network File System (NFS). Vagrant also has a lot of problems with this. (snippet source)

To enable polling add export WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_POLLING=1 to your environment.

npm run build

Lint the JavaScript code.

# run linter
npm run lint
npm run lint-styles


For testing we use webdriverio and selenium-standalone

selenium-standalone starts a server that will launch browsers on your local machine. We use chrome so you must have chrome installed on your machine.

Now open a terminal and run the following. This will install the drivers on your local machine

./node_modules/.bin/selenium-standalone install

Now start the standalone server

./node_modules/.bin/selenium-standalone start

Then open another terminal and run

npm test

After some time you should see a browser launch which will be automated by the test runner.

Related Projects

  • maputnik-dev-server - An express.js server that allows for quickly loading the style from any mapboxGL map into mapuntnik.


Thanks to the supporters of the Kickstarter campaign. This project would not be possible without these commercial and individual sponsors.


Wemap Terranodo Terranodo


Klokan Technologies Geofabrik Dreipol


Influential Stakeholder

Alan McConchie, Odi, Mats Norén, Uli geOps, Helge Fahrnberger (Toursprung), Kirusanth Poopalasingam


Brian Flood, Vasile Coțovanu, Andreas Kalkbrenner, Christian Mäder, Gregor Wassmann, Lee Armstrong, Rafel, Jon Burgess, Lukas Lehmann, Joachim Ungar, Alois Ackermann, Zsolt Ero, Jordan Meek


Sina Martinelli, Nicholas Doiron, Neil Cawse, Urs42, Benedikt Groß, Manuel Roth, Janko Mihelić, Moritz Stefaner, Sebastian Ahoi, Juerg Uhlmann, Tom Wider, Nadia Panchaud, Oliver Snowden, Stephan Heuel, Tobin Bradley, Adrian Herzog, Antti Lehto, Pascal Mages, Marc Gehling, Imre Samu, Lauri K., Visahavel Parthasarathy, Christophe Waterlot-Buisine, Max Galka, ubahnverleih, Wouter van Dam, Jakob Lobensteiner, Samuel Kurath, Brian Bancroft


Maputnik is licensed under MIT and is Copyright (c) Lukas Martinelli and contributors.

Disclaimer This project is not affiliated with Mapbox or Mapbox Studio. It is an independent style editor for the open source technology in the Mapbox GL ecosystem. As contributor please take extra care of not violating any Mapbox trademarks. Do not get inspired by Mapbox Studio and make your own decisions for a good style editor.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].