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mixmaxhq / Electron Editor Context Menu

Licence: mit
Enable the native right-click menu in Electron.

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In Electron, right-clicking in text editors does… nothing.

This module enables the menu you'd expect, with optional spell-checker integration.



npm install electron-editor-context-menu


npm install electron-editor-context-menu --save


// In the renderer process:
var remote = require('electron').remote;
// `remote.require` since `Menu` is a main-process module.
var buildEditorContextMenu = remote.require('electron-editor-context-menu');

window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
  // Only show the context menu in text editors.
  if (!'textarea, input, [contenteditable="true"]')) return;

  var menu = buildEditorContextMenu();

  // The 'contextmenu' event is emitted after 'selectionchange' has fired but possibly before the
  // visible selection has changed. Try to wait to show the menu until after that, otherwise the
  // visible selection will update after the menu dismisses and look weird.
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 30);

Spell-checker integration

Show spelling suggestions by passing a selection object when building the menu:

var selection = {
  isMisspelled: true,
  spellingSuggestions: [

var menu = buildEditorContextMenu(selection);

Get these suggestions when your spell-check provider runs —Electron will poll it immediately before the 'contextmenu' event fires.

For a complete example using electron-spell-check-provider, see here.

Customizing the menu

You can add or remove items to the menu, or replace it entirely, by providing mainTemplate and/or suggestionsTemplate parameters when building the menu:

var menu = buildEditorContextMenu(selection, mainTemplate, suggestionsTemplate);

The mainTemplate parameter customizes the always-present menu items; the suggestionsTemplate parameter customizes the spelling suggestion items. Pass an array of items to replace the default items entirely; pass a function to add/remove/edit the default items. The function will be passed the default array of items as a parameter and should return an array of items.


Created by Jeff Wear.

Thanks to for the initial sketch of this.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2016 Mixmax, Inc., licensed under the MIT License.

Release History

  • 1.1.1 Fix compatibility with electron-builder
  • 1.1.0 Add the ability to customize the main template and the suggestions template.
  • 1.0.0 Initial release.
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