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dalehenrich / Filetree

Licence: mit
Monticello repository for directory-based Monticello packages enabling the use of git, svn, etc. for managing Smalltalk source code.

Programming Languages

420 projects

Monticello repository for directory-based Monticello packages enabling the use of git, svn, etc. for managing Smalltalk source code.


The current version of FileTree has been tested in GemStone2.x, GemStone3.x, Pharo1.1, Pharo1.2, Pharo1.3, Pharo1.4, Pharo2.0, Pharo3.0, Pharo4.0, Squeak4.3, Squeak4.4, Squeak4.5.


To install in GemStone:

Gofer new
  package: 'GsUpgrader-Core';
  url: '';
(Smalltalk at: #GsUpgrader) upgradeMetacello.
(Smalltalk at: #Metacello) new
  baseline: 'FileTree';
  repository: 'github://dalehenrich/filetree:gemstone2.4/repository';


To install in Pharo (note FileTree is pre-installed in Pharo3.0 and Pharo4.0):

Gofer new
      url: '';
      package: 'ConfigurationOfFileTree';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFileTree) project version: #'stable') load.

To get the latest and greatest version of FileTree for Pharo make sure that you've installed the Metacello Preview and then execute the following:

Metacello new
  baseline: 'FileTree';
  repository: 'github://dalehenrich/filetree:<pharo-branch>/repository';

replacing <pharo-branch> with the proper version-based branch name (use pharo3.0 for Pharo-4.0):

  • pharo1.1
  • pharo1.3
  • pharo1.4
  • pharo2.0
  • pharo3.0


To install in Squeak:

Installer ss3
    project: 'FileTree';
    install: 'ConfigurationOfFileTree'.
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFileTree) project version: #'stable') load.

To get the latest and greatest version of FileTree for Squeak make sure that you've installed the Metacello Preview and then execute the following:

Metacello new
  baseline: 'FileTree';
  repository: 'github://dalehenrich/filetree:squeak4.3/repository';


Here are some guidelines on contributing to the project:

Travis CI Status

GemStone/S (2.4.x, 3.0.x, 3.1.0.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 3.5.x) : Build Status

pharo1.1 & pharo1.2 : Build Status

pharo1.3 : Build Status

pharo1.4 : Build Status

pharo2.0 : Build Status

pharo3.0 : Build Status

pharo4.0 : Build Status

pharo5.0 : Build Status

squeak4.3, squeak4.4 & squeak4.5 : Build Status

configuration : Build Status

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].