ThierryGoubier / Gitfiletree Mergedriver
Programming Languages
This is a merge driver for git. It handles merging conflict-prone files in FileTree, which are: monticello.meta/version, methodProperties.json and properties.json.
How to make it work:
Clone this repository (or get from here the Makefile and the merge script and put them in a folder). Run the following command in that folder:
$ make
In your global git config file (typically in ~/.gitconfig
), you should now have something like the following :
[merge "mcVersion"]
name = GitFileTree MergeDriver for Monticello
driver = pathToGitFileTree-MergeDriver/merge --version %O %A %B
[merge "mcMethodProperties"]
name = GitFileTree MergeDriver for Monticello
driver = pathToGitFileTree-MergeDriver/merge --methodProperties %O %A %B
[merge "mcProperties"]
name = GitFileTree MergeDriver for Monticello
driver = pathToGitFileTree-MergeDriver/merge --properties %O %A %B
[mergetool "mcmerge"]
cmd = pathToGitFileTree-MergeDriver/merge --mergetool $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE $MERGED
You must now tell git which merge tool to use for which kind of file. This is done in a special attributes file that can be located in many different places (read GITATTRIBUTES(5)
man page). For example, in the main repository containing your FileTree packages (for example, top level or repository/
), add a .gitattributes
file containing the following lines:
*.package/monticello.meta/version merge=mcVersion
*.package/*.class/methodProperties.json merge=mcMethodProperties
*.package/*.class/properties.json merge=mcProperties
*.package/*.extension/methodProperties.json merge=mcMethodProperties
*.package/*.extension/properties.json merge=mcProperties
Now, you should be able to merge with git and have a minimum of conflicts.
Note that the merge driver will, under some cases, hide conflicts (or resolve them automatically) when a class definition was changed between branches (addition or removal of an instance variable). If you want those conflicts to appear, then you should remove the following line from your .gitattributes
*.package/*.class/properties.json merge=mcProperties
Note also that some git commands, such as git cherry-pick
and git rebase
do not trigger the use of the merge driver. For
those cases, the merge driver is also registered as a merge tool, and can be used after one of those commands if it creates
conflicts on metadata by using git merge-tool --tool=mcmerge
As an example of how the merge driver works, this is the normal output when merging under git with FileTree (or GitFileTree) packages (with two versions of the SmaCC tutorial in each branch) :
$ git merge aBranch
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/monticello.meta/version
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in SmaCC-Tutorial.package/monticello.meta/version
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/CalculatorParser.class/methodProperties.json
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in SmaCC-Tutorial.package/CalculatorParser.class/methodProperties.json
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/methodProperties.json
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/methodProperties.json
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/instance/
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/instance/
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTExpressionNode.class/methodProperties.json
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTExpressionNode.class/methodProperties.json
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
We have conflicts with monticello.meta/version, three methodProperties.json files, and a .st file
After you followed above setup process, you should get the following output for the same merge:
$ git reset --hard
HEAD is now at 4eadb6c Resaving to make sure we have a clean version file
$ git merge aBranch
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/monticello.meta/version
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/CalculatorParser.class/methodProperties.json
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/methodProperties.json
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/instance/
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTFunctionNode.class/instance/
Auto-merging SmaCC-Tutorial.package/ASTExpressionNode.class/methodProperties.json
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
See: the version file and the methodProperties.json file have been merged without conflict; and, when looking inside, the version file has the two branches versions as ancestors, and a common ancestor as well:
name 'SmaCC-Tutorial-ThierryGoubier.4'
message 'merged by GitFileTree-MergeDriver'
id 'f69f6d1f-d4d2-4da9-b755-e26f6432c980'
date '29 April 2014' time '4:37:32.372857 pm'
author 'ThierryGoubier'
ancestors (
name 'SmaCC-Tutorial-ThierryGoubier.3'
message 'Resaving to make sure we have a clean version file'
id '911c2501-29ce-4a78-8596-51e84fdbb7fb'
date '27 April 2014' time '10:21:24.06832 pm'
author 'ThierryGoubier'
ancestors (
name 'SmaCC-Tutorial-ThierryGoubier.2'
message '3ème version'
id 'fa358cff-9ffa-5db4-b04a-f88a0c3fc468'
date '27 April 2014' time '10:08:59 pm'
author 'ThierryGoubier'
ancestors (
name 'SmaCC-Tutorial-ThierryGoubier.1'
message 'First save.'
id 'e198578e-77db-5e80-b4b5-70e05de13344'
date '27 April 2014' time '10:07:06 pm'
author 'ThierryGoubier'
ancestors ()
stepChildren ()))
stepChildren ()))
stepChildren ())
name 'SmaCC-Tutorial-ThierryGoubier.3'
message 'Save again to get a clean version file'
id 'e48d00a4-84cc-406d-b0d5-2382deb1f0e4'
date '29 April 2014' time '2:25:09.900645 pm'
author 'ThierryGoubier'
ancestors (
name 'SmaCC-Tutorial-ThierryGoubier.2'
message '2nd version'
id '2e7ebe53-49bf-5f8b-b9ac-7e2da65a2761'
date '27 April 2014' time '10:08:01 pm'
author 'ThierryGoubier'
ancestors (
(id 'e198578e-77db-5e80-b4b5-70e05de13344'))
stepChildren ()))
stepChildren ()))
stepChildren ())
(Formatted for an easier reading). Note how id 'e198578e-77db-5e80-b4b5-70e05de13344' is the common ancestor to both branches, and how GitFileTree-MergeDriver has created a proper merge in MC during the git merge.
This is especially important for FileTree
and github://
Metacello Urls, since both rely on a correct version file to work. GitFileTree is less dependent in correct results; just the lack of conflicts is a huge boost.
How does this works?
From reading the git man pages, and particularly gitattributes(5), one can note that git has a huge amount of customisation available for different file types, for specific operations: diff, merge, and merge conflict resolutions.
When conflicts occurs, they do appear when git attempts three-way merges between the current version of a file, the version being merged, and the common ancestor. Git has a strategy for doing the merge if the file is considered as text (three way per line merge), and another strategy if the file is considered binary (keep the current one?); git may also do more merges between ancestors to create the common ancestor. For merging, git delegates to a merge driver and can give him up to four parameters: the current file, the other (from the commit to merge), the ancestor, and eventually the length of the conflict markers.
From gitattributes, we see that it is possible to define a merge driver, as an external command (in gitconfig), and to associate it to a file (in the attributes).
So, this is what the GitFileTree-MergeDriver uses:
- version and .json files in FileTree are in fact binary data; git however consider them as text files and tries to merge them as text, which is wrong and creates conflicts.
- Take Monticello and FileTree code to be able to merge two version files (FileTree for reading the version file as a MCVersionInfo, Monticello for creating a new version merging both branches, FileTree for writing back the version file)
- Use FileTree json support for reading properties files, choosing an ad-hoc strategy for merging the two versions.
- Merging method properties is done by timestamp comparison, with a fall back on epoch if the timestamp can't be parsed (which happens).
- Merging class properties (class definition) is done by merging sets of attributes and failing in other cases.
And, by being defined as a merge driver for git and associated with those files, GitFileTree-MergeDriver is called by git on each merge, with the three files: current, other and ancestor. A correct merge is written back into current, a failure to merge is a non-zero return status and git will tell us it is a conflict.
Not all conflicts can be resolved that way. In the resolution of conflicts, we have yet another way of customizing git behavior, by using a specific merge tool for interactive conflict resolution. For example, a common merge will have the following process:
$ git merge aCommit
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
$ git merge-tool
The git merge-tool command will call an external GUI tool, such as meld, to let us resolve the conflict by hand by selecting parts of the two versions of the file (current and other, with usually ancestor also displayed) to keep or reject.
However, usual tools are not too good at merging .st files :) or version files the merge driver hasn't managed to merge, so the next step after the merge driver would be to implement a merge tool in Smalltalk which knows how to:
- Interactively let us merge standard text files
- Handle .st files a bit better (by putting them, for example, in their package context?)
- Handle conflicting version and properties file as well.
This will be for the future :)