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gothinkster / Golang Gin Realworld Example App

Licence: mit
Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin

Programming Languages

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77523 projects

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Golang Gin Realworld Example App

UGin is an API boilerplate written in Go (Golang) with Gin Framework.
Stars: ✭ 110 (-93.82%)
Mutual labels:  api, gorm, gin, example, boilerplate
Go Project Sample
Introduce the best practice experience of Go project with a complete project example.通过一个完整的项目示例介绍Go语言项目的最佳实践经验.
Stars: ✭ 344 (-80.67%)
Mutual labels:  gorm, gin, example, practice, sample
🐍 一款小巧的基于Go构建的开发框架,可以快速构建API服务或者Web网站进行业务开发,遵循SOLID设计原则
Stars: ✭ 615 (-65.45%)
Mutual labels:  api, restful, gorm, gin, jwt
Node Express Postgresql Sequelize
Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize.js and PostgreSQL RESTful API
Stars: ✭ 148 (-91.69%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful, example
Go Restful Api
An idiomatic Go REST API starter kit (boilerplate) following SOLID principles and Clean Architecture
Stars: ✭ 1,043 (-41.4%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, jwt, boilerplate
Node Express Mongoose Passport Jwt Rest Api Auth
Node, express, mongoose, passport and JWT REST API authentication example
Stars: ✭ 146 (-91.8%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful, jwt
🔥 Fire up your API with this flamethrower
Stars: ✭ 161 (-90.96%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful, crud
The Rest Architectural Style
An article on the REST architecture style.
Stars: ✭ 168 (-90.56%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful, best-practices
Koa Rest Api Boilerplate
💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, CodeCov and CircleCI
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Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful, boilerplate
Go Gin Example
An example of gin
Stars: ✭ 4,992 (+180.45%)
Mutual labels:  api, gorm, gin, jwt
Beauty Vuejs Boilerplate
❤️ Real world base Vue.js app. Access/refresh tokens auth, api services, http client, vuex modules
Stars: ✭ 583 (-67.25%)
Mutual labels:  api, realworld, jwt, boilerplate
Go Api Boilerplate
Go Server/API boilerplate using best practices DDD CQRS ES gRPC
Stars: ✭ 373 (-79.04%)
Mutual labels:  api, restful, best-practices, boilerplate
Laravel Api Boilerplate Jwt
A Laravel 5.8 API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
Stars: ✭ 1,155 (-35.11%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, jwt, boilerplate
Converting a MySQL database'schema to a RESTful golang APIs app in the fastest way
Stars: ✭ 97 (-94.55%)
Mutual labels:  gorm, gin, jwt, boilerplate
Generator Http Fake Backend
Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Stars: ✭ 49 (-97.25%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful
Flask Restx
Fork of Flask-RESTPlus: Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
Stars: ✭ 1,050 (-41.01%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful
一个同时支持Session以及JWT的高性能高可用 Golang Restful API 脚手架 !
Stars: ✭ 57 (-96.8%)
Mutual labels:  gorm, gin, jwt
Python Api Development Fundamentals
Develop a full-stack web application with Python and Flask
Stars: ✭ 44 (-97.53%)
Mutual labels:  api, restful, jwt
Api Strategy
Equinor API Strategy
Stars: ✭ 56 (-96.85%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest, restful
Gin Web
由gin + gorm + jwt + casbin组合实现的RBAC权限管理脚手架Golang版, 搭建完成即可快速、高效投入业务开发
Stars: ✭ 107 (-93.99%)
Mutual labels:  restful, gin, jwt

RealWorld Example App

Build Status codecov License: MIT GoDoc

Golang/Gin codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Golang/Gin including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

Directory structure

├── gorm.db
├── hello.go
├── common
│   ├── utils.go        //small tools function
│   └── database.go     //DB connect manager
├── users
|   ├── models.go       //data models define & DB operation
|   ├── serializers.go  //response computing & format
|   ├── routers.go      //business logic & router binding
|   ├── middlewares.go  //put the before & after logic of handle request
|   └── validators.go   //form/json checker
├── ...

Getting started

Install Golang

Make sure you have Go 1.13 or higher installed.

Environment Config

Set-up the standard Go environment variables according to latest guidance (see

Install Dependencies

From the project root, run:

go build ./...
go test ./...
go mod tidy


From the project root, run:

go test ./...


go test ./... -cover


go test -v ./... -cover

depending on whether you want to see test coverage and how verbose the output you want.


  • More elegance config
  • Test coverage (common & users 100%, article 0%)
  • ProtoBuf support
  • Code structure optimize (I think some place can use interface)
  • Continuous integration (done)
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