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maorfr / helm-inject

Licence: other
Inject additional configurations during Helm upgrade

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Mutual labels:  injection

Helm Inject Plugin

This is a Helm plugin which provides the ability to inject additional configuration during Helm release upgrade. It works like helm upgrade, but with a --inject flag.

The default injector is linkerd, but you can specify --injector to use any other executable in your $PATH with an inject command such as:

myInjector inject /path/to/file.yaml


Inject linkerd proxy sidecar during Helm upgrade

$ helm inject upgrade [flags]


$ helm inject upgrade --help
upgrade a release including inject

  inject upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] [flags]

      --command string         injection command to be used (default "inject")
      --debug                  enable verbose output
      --dry-run                simulate an upgrade
  -h, --help                   help for upgrade
      --inject-flags strings   flags to be passed to injector, without leading "--" (can specify multiple). Example: "--inject-flags tls=optional,skip-inbound-ports=25,skip-inbound-ports=26"
      --injector string        injector to use (must be pre-installed) (default "linkerd")
  -i, --install                if a release by this name doesn't already exist, run an install
      --kubecontext string     name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --namespace string       namespace to install the release into (only used if --install is set). Defaults to the current kube config namespace
      --set stringArray        set values on the command line (can specify multiple)
      --timeout int            time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks) (default 300)
      --tls                    enable TLS for request
      --tls-cert string        path to TLS certificate file (default: $HELM_HOME/cert.pem)
      --tls-key string         path to TLS key file (default: $HELM_HOME/key.pem)
  -f, --values stringArray     specify values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple)


$ helm plugin install

The above will fetch the latest binary release of helm inject and install it.

Developer (From Source) Install

If you would like to handle the build yourself, instead of fetching a binary, this is how recommend doing it.

First, set up your environment:

  • You need to have Go installed. Make sure to set $GOPATH
  • If you don't have Glide installed, this will install it into $GOPATH/bin for you.

Clone this repo into your $GOPATH. You can use go get -d for that.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make bootstrap build
$ SKIP_BIN_INSTALL=1 helm plugin install $GOPATH/src/

That last command will skip fetching the binary install and use the one you built.


  • Not all helm upgrade flags are added. If you need any other flags from helm upgrade - you are welcome to open an issue, or even submit a PR.
  • If you want to pass any flags to the injector - use the --inject-flags flag.
  • If you are using the --kube-context flag, you need to change it to --kubecontext, since helm plugins drop this flag.


Check out the first example of a custom executable in the examples section!

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