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JSON:API client for Dart/Flutter

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5743 projects
94 projects

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Json Api Dart

As easy as /aitch-tee-tee-pie/ 🥧 Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more.
Stars: ✭ 53,052 (+99998.11%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest-api, rest, json, http-client
Jsonapi Utils
Build JSON API-compliant APIs on Rails with no (or less) learning curve.
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Mutual labels:  api, rest, json-api, jsonapi, json
Generator Http Fake Backend
Yeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Stars: ✭ 49 (-7.55%)
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Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
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Jsonapi parameters
Rails-way to consume JSON:API input
Stars: ✭ 50 (-5.66%)
Mutual labels:  api, json-api, jsonapi, json
Jsonapi Rb
Efficiently produce and consume JSON API documents.
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Mutual labels:  api, json-api, jsonapi, json
A tiny JSON storage service. Create, Read, Update, Delete and Search JSON data.
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Mutual labels:  api, rest-api, json-api, json
Http Fake Backend
Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Stars: ✭ 253 (+377.36%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest-api, rest, json
The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
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Laravel5 Jsonapi
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Fast and idiomatic client-driven REST APIs.
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An easy to use multithreaded library for creating Discord bots in Java.
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Bookmarks and Code Snippets Manager for Developers & Co
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Symfony Flex Backend
Symfony Flex REST API template project
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Horaires Ratp Api
Webservice pour les horaires et trafic RATP en temps réel
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Jsonapi Rails
Rails gem for fast jsonapi-compliant APIs.
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💨 Simple yet powerful file-based mock server with recording abilities
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Mutual labels:  api, rest, hacktoberfest, json
Grafana datasource to load JSON data over your arbitrary HTTP backend
Stars: ✭ 146 (+175.47%)
Mutual labels:  api, rest-api, rest, json
Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner
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⚡️ Elegantly connect to a REST JSON Api. URLSession + Combine + Decodable + Generics = <3
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Mutual labels:  api, rest-api, rest, json

JSON:API for Dart/Flutter

JSON:API is a specification for building APIs in JSON.

This package consists of several libraries:

  • The Document library is the core of this package. It describes the JSON:API document structure
  • The Client library is a JSON:API Client for Flutter, Web and Server-side
  • The Server library is a framework-agnostic JSON:API server implementation
  • The HTTP library is a thin abstraction of HTTP requests and responses
  • The Query library builds and parses the query parameters (page, sorting, filtering, etc)
  • The Routing library builds and matches URIs for resources, collections, and relationships

Document model

The main concept of JSON:API model is the Resource. Resources are passed between the client and the server in the form of a JSON-encodable Document.


JsonApiClient is an implementation of the JSON:API client supporting all features of the JSON:API standard:

  • fetching resources and collections (both primary and related)
  • creating resources
  • deleting resources
  • updating resource attributes and relationships
  • direct modification of relationships (both to-one and to-many)
  • async processing

The client returns back a Response which contains the HTTP status code, headers and the JSON:API Document.

Sometimes the request URIs can be inferred from the context. For such cases you may use the RoutingClient which is a wrapper over the JsonApiClient capable of inferring the URIs. The RoutingClient requires an instance of RouteFactory to be provided.

JsonApiClient itself does not make actual HTTP calls. Instead, it calls the underlying HttpHandler which acts as an HTTP client (must be passed to the constructor). The library comes with an implementation of HttpHandler called DartHttp which uses the Dart's native http client.


This is a framework-agnostic library for implementing a JSON:API server. It may be used on its own (a fully functional server implementation is included) or as a set of independent components.

Request lifecycle

HTTP request

The server receives an incoming HttpRequest containing the HTTP headers and the body represented as a String. When this request is received, your server may decide to check for authentication or other non-JSON:API concerns to prepare for the request processing, or it may decide to fail out with an error response.

JSON:API request

The RequestConverter is then used to convert the HTTP request to a JsonApiRequest. JsonApiRequest abstracts the JSON:API specific details, such as the request target (a collection, a resource or a relationship) and the decoded body (e.g. Resource or Identifier). At this point it is possible to determine whether the request is a valid JSON:API request and to read the decoded payload. You may perform some application-specific logic, e.g. check for authentication. Each implementation of JsonApiRequest has the handleWith() method to dispatch a call to the right method of the Controller.


The Controller consolidates all methods to process JSON:API requests. Every controller method must return an instance of JsonApiResponse (or another type, the controller is generic). This library comes with a particular implementation of the Controller called RepositoryController. The RepositoryController takes care of all JSON:API specific logic (e.g. validation, filtering, resource inclusion) and translates the JSON:API requests to calls to a resource Repository.

Repository (optional)

The Repository is an interface separating the data storage concerns from the specifics of the API.

JSON:API response

When an instance of JsonApiResponse is returned from the controller, the ResponseConverter converts it to an HttpResponse. The converter takes care of JSON:API transport-layer concerns. In particular, it:

  • generates a proper Document, including the HATEOAS links or meta-data
  • encodes the document to JSON string
  • sets the response headers

HTTP response

The generated HttpResponse is sent to the underlying HTTP system. This is the final step.


This library is used by both the Client and the Server to abstract out the HTTP protocol specifics. The HttpHandler interface turns an HttpRequest to an HttpResponse. The Client consumes an implementation of HttpHandler as a low-level HTTP client. The Server is itself an implementation of HttpHandler.


This is a set of classes for building avd parsing some URL query parameters defined in the standard.


Defines the logic for constructing and matching URLs for resources, collections and relationships. The URL construction is used by both the Client (See RoutingClient for instance) and the Server libraries. The StandardRouting implements the Recommended URL design.

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