jubatus / Jubatus
Licence: lgpl-2.1
Framework and Library for Distributed Online Machine Learning
Stars: ✭ 702
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.. image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/jubatus/jubatus.svg?branch=master :target: https://api.travis-ci.org/jubatus/jubatus
The Jubatus library is an online machine learning framework which runs in distributed environment.
See http://jubat.us/ for details.
Quick Start
We officially support Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.2 or later (64-bit) and Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS / 16.04 LTS / 18.04 LTS (64-bit). On supported systems, you can install all components of Jubatus using binary packages.
See QuickStart <http://jubat.us/en/quickstart.html>
_ for detailed description.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 or later (64-bit)
Run the following command to register Jubatus Yum repository to the system.
// For RHEL 6
$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://download.jubat.us/yum/rhel/6/stable/x86_64/jubatus-release-6-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
// For RHEL 7
$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://download.jubat.us/yum/rhel/7/stable/x86_64/jubatus-release-7-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
Then install ``jubatus`` and ``jubatus-client`` package.
$ sudo yum install jubatus jubatus-client
Now Jubatus is installed in ``/usr/bin/juba*``.
$ jubaclassifier -f /usr/share/jubatus/example/config/classifier/pa.json
Ubuntu Server (64-bit)
Write the following line to ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jubatus.list`` to register Jubatus Apt repository to the system.
// For Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) - Deprecated (unsupported)
deb http://download.jubat.us/apt/ubuntu/precise binary/
// For Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
deb http://download.jubat.us/apt/ubuntu/trusty binary/
// For Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
deb http://download.jubat.us/apt/ubuntu/xenial binary/
// For Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
deb [trusted=yes] http://download.jubat.us/apt/ubuntu/bionic/binary /
Now install ``jubatus`` package.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install jubatus
Now Jubatus is installed in ``/opt/jubatus/bin/juba*``.
$ source /opt/jubatus/profile
$ jubaclassifier -f /opt/jubatus/share/jubatus/example/config/classifier/pa.json
Other Platforms
For other platforms, refer to the `documentation <http://jubat.us/en/developers/build.html>`_.
LGPL 2.1
Third-party libraries included in Jubatus
Jubatus source tree includes following third-party library.
- cmdline_ (under BSD 3-Clause License)
.. _cmdline: https://github.com/tanakh/cmdline
Jubatus requires `jubatus_core <https://github.com/jubatus/jubatus_core/>`_ library. jubatus_core contains Eigen and fork of pficommon. Eigen is licensed under MPL2 (partially in LGPL 2.1 or 2.1+). The fork of pficommon is licensed under New BSD License.
Update history
Update history can be found from `ChangeLog <https://github.com/jubatus/jubatus/blob/master/ChangeLog.rst>`_ or `WikiPage <https://github.com/jubatus/jubatus/wiki/ChangeLog>`_.
Patches contributed by `those people <https://github.com/jubatus/jubatus/contributors>`_.
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].