jsnomad / Koa Restful Boilerplate
Koa 2 RESTful API boilerplate
Stars: ✭ 146
Programming Languages
184084 projects - #8 most used programming language
455 projects
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Koa Restful Boilerplate
Node Typescript Mongodb
node js typescript mongodb express generator yo
Stars: ✭ 96 (-34.25%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful, mongoose, mongodb
REST API generator with Node.js, Express and Mongoose
Stars: ✭ 1,663 (+1039.04%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
Rest Hapi
🚀 A RESTful API generator for Node.js
Stars: ✭ 1,102 (+654.79%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, mongoose, mongodb
Bookmarks and Code Snippets Manager for Developers & Co
Stars: ✭ 218 (+49.32%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, mongoose, mongodb
Koa Rest Api Boilerplate
💯 Boilerplate for Node.js Koa RESTful API application with Docker, Swagger, Jest, CodeCov and CircleCI
Stars: ✭ 420 (+187.67%)
Mutual labels: rest, restful, koa2, boilerplate
👦 Lad is the best Node.js framework. Made by a former Express TC and Koa team member.
Stars: ✭ 2,112 (+1346.58%)
Mutual labels: async-await, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api
💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Stars: ✭ 2,811 (+1825.34%)
Mutual labels: babel, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
a blog based on of react,webpack3,dva,redux,material-ui,fetch,generator,markdown,nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,shell,and async/await 基于react+koa2技术栈的个人开源博客系统
Stars: ✭ 175 (+19.86%)
Mutual labels: babel, async-await, mongoose, koa2
Express Rest Boilerplate
⌛️ Express starter for building RESTful APIs
Stars: ✭ 1,794 (+1128.77%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
Rest Api Nodejs Mongodb
A boilerplate for REST API Development with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
Stars: ✭ 672 (+360.27%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, mongodb, boilerplate
Node Rem
Node REM - NodeJS Rest Express MongoDB and more: typescript, passport, JWT, socket.io, HTTPS, HTTP2, async/await, nodemailer, templates, pagination, docker, etc. Live Demo: https://node-rem-ngduc.vercel.app
Stars: ✭ 192 (+31.51%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
Node Express Mongoose Passport Jwt Rest Api Auth
Node, express, mongoose, passport and JWT REST API authentication example
Stars: ✭ 146 (+0%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful, mongoose
Node Express Mongodb Jwt Rest Api Skeleton
This is a basic API REST skeleton written on JavaScript using async/await. Great for building a starter web API for your front-end (Android, iOS, Vue, react, angular, or anything that can consume an API). Demo of frontend in VueJS here: https://github.com/davellanedam/vue-skeleton-mvp
Stars: ✭ 603 (+313.01%)
Mutual labels: rest, async-await, mongoose, mongodb
Node Express Boilerplate
A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose
Stars: ✭ 890 (+509.59%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
Express Boilerplate
🚀 Starter project for a RESTful API in Node with Express & mongoose component-based
Stars: ✭ 9 (-93.84%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
RESTful web services for FileMaker server.
Stars: ✭ 76 (-47.95%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful
Cookiecutter Django Rest
Build best practiced apis fast with Python3
Stars: ✭ 1,108 (+658.9%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, boilerplate
Fastify Api
A blazing fast REST APIs with Node.js, MongoDB, Fastify and Swagger.
Stars: ✭ 138 (-5.48%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, mongoose, mongodb
Tiledesk Server
Tiledesk server. Tiledesk is an Open Source Live Chat platform written in NodeJs and MongoDB
Stars: ✭ 94 (-35.62%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, mongodb
Angular Full Stack
Angular Full Stack project built using Angular, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
Stars: ✭ 1,261 (+763.7%)
Mutual labels: mongoose, mongodb, boilerplate
Koa 2 Restful Boilerplate
Koa 2 RESTful API using :
- Koa 2
- Mongodb + Mongoose
- Babel
- Asynchronous Functions (Async/Await)
Install dependencies
npm install
Start a Local Server
npm start
Run Test
npm test
Building and Running Production Server
npm run prod
Note : Please make sure your MongoDB is running before using npm start
or npm run prod
MIT © Thomas Blanc-Hector
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].