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fondesa / Kpermissions

Licence: apache-2.0
A Kotlin library which helps to request runtime permissions in Android.

Programming Languages

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Build Status KPermissions

An Android library totally written in Kotlin that helps to request runtime permissions. This library is compatible also below Android M (API 23) where runtime permissions doesn't exist, so you haven't to handle them separately.


To discover all the APIs of this library, check the wiki. It contains some useful notes and advanced features not explained in the README. For further samples, check the sample provided by this library. It shows how to integrate this library and request the permissions from an Activity or a Fragment.

Basic usage

You can create a PermissionRequest either from an Activity or a Fragment using the extension method permissionsBuilder():

// Build the request with the permissions you would like to request and send it.
permissionsBuilder(Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.SEND_SMS).build().send { result ->
    // Handle the result, for example check if all the requested permissions are granted.
    if (result.allGranted()) {
       // All the permissions are granted.


The artifact kpermissions-coroutines adds the integration with the Kotlin coroutines:

launch {
    val result = permissionsBuilder(Manifest.permission.CAMERA).build().sendSuspend()
    // Handle the result.

It also supports the Kotlin coroutines Flow API:

val request = permissionsBuilder(Manifest.permission.CAMERA).build()
launch {
    request.flow().collect { result ->
        // Handle the result. 


The artifacts kpermissions-rx2 and kpermissions-rx3 adds the integration with RxJava 2 and RxJava 3 respectively:

val request = permissionsBuilder(Manifest.permission.CAMERA).build()
request.observe().subscribe { result ->
    // Handle the result.


In the core artifact, there's a useful extension on PermissionRequest to get a LiveData:

val request = permissionsBuilder(Manifest.permission.CAMERA).build()
request.liveData().observe(this) { result ->
    // Handle the result.


Android SDK: KPermissions requires a minimum API level of 14 (the same of the latest support libraries).

AndroidX: this library requires AndroidX. To use it in a project without AndroidX, refer to the version 1.x


You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page or grab it from mavenCentral().


Maven Central

dependencies {
    // The core artifact.
    implementation 'com.github.fondesa:kpermissions:x.x.x'
    // If you want the extensions for RxJava 2.
    implementation 'com.github.fondesa:kpermissions-rx2:x.x.x'
    // If you want the extensions for RxJava 3.
    implementation 'com.github.fondesa:kpermissions-rx3:x.x.x'
    // If you want the extensions for the Kotlin coroutines.
    implementation 'com.github.fondesa:kpermissions-coroutines:x.x.x'


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