Let's Encrypt WWW
For developer or website admin who need to manage certificate, the Letsencrypt-WWW is a command line tool that purely implemented by shell language, unlike other powerful and complex tool, LeWWW provide lightweight solution, you can easily adjust the source code and fit your requirement, powered by TDD and Let's Encrypt.
Table of Contents
Operating System Tested
macOS Sierra | Ubuntu trusty | CentOS 7 |
Yes | Yes | Yes |
With Shell
With Docker
For customize or development:
git clone [email protected]:sunwei/letsencrypt-www.git
cd ./letsencrypt-www
./www --help
For tool used locally or in CI/CD. Check releases here: GitHub letsencrypt-www releases
cd /usr/local/bin
curl -OL https://github.com/sunwei/letsencrypt-www/archive/v1.0.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf v1.0.0.tar.gz
mv letsencrypt-www-1.0.0 letsencrypt-www
cd ./letsencrypt-www
./www --help
Running the tests
make tests
Take DNSPod provider for example, and issue your domain in all easy way:
- Add your domain to DNSPod, you could do it here
- Rename the environment parameters template to dnspod.env, and replace the id and token as yours. How to apply id and token
cd ./letsencrypt-www
cd ./secrets
mv dnspod.env.example dnspod.env
- Issue your domain, default env is staging
./www --help
./www -p example.letsencryptwww.com
[Youku] Coming soon...
- Config you docker env variable at ./configs/www.env
- Build docker image and issue the domain
make build
make issue
Coming soon...
Challenge types
- DNS-01 Supported
- HTTP-01 coming soon...
- TLS-SNI-01 coming...
- DNSPod Supported
- Google coming soon
- Others...
Build With
- Let's Encrypt as CA
- git-crypt to encrypt sensitive data
- Bats as test framework
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
For detail information, please refer to authors page
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details