All Projects → mapfish → Mapfish Print

mapfish / Mapfish Print

Licence: bsd-2-clause
A component of MapFish for printing templated cartographic maps. This module is the Java serverside module. For support post to the mailing list:!forum/mapfish-print-users

Programming Languages

68154 projects - #9 most used programming language

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Mapfish Print

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Please read the documentation available here:

For support or questions post on the community mailing list:!forum/mapfish-print-users

The community mailing list is a place where users can share experiences, it is not a professional support mailing list. For professional support, users should sign a support contract with a professional services company, and use their appropriate channel.


Building mapfish-print requires make and Docker.


Execute the following command():

> make build

This will build three artifacts: print-servlet-xxx.war, print-lib.jar, print-standalone.jar

The build also builds the documentation in the docs/build/site folder. To deploy the documentation it should simply be copied to the gh-pages branch and then committed GitHub will automatically build the updated site at:

If you only want to build the docs simply run:

> ./gradlew docs:build

or run build in the docs directory.

The test (part of the build) requires the 'Liberation Sans' font, which can be downloaded here.

Auto-releoad mode

To be able to quickly test modifications in the print you should:

  • Copy the file docker-compose.override.sample.yaml to docker-compose.override.yaml.
  • Run docker compose up -d, The print will be available on port 8080 and on code modification will be built and trigger a restart.

Create new stabilisation branch

  • Update
  • In the builds.gradle file , set the version to x.y.0.
  • Create a new branch name x.y from master.
  • Create a new label names 'backport x.y' in the right color (github: Issues->Labels->New Label).
  • Create a tag 'release/x.y.0'.
  • On the master branch: Update the file, add a policy for the new and old version.
  • On the master branch update the .github/workflows/rebuild.yaml file by adding the new branch name.
  • On the master branch update the .github/workflows/audit.yaml file by adding the new branch name.
  • On the master branch set in the build.gradle file the new x.y+1.0-SNAPSHOT version.

Run from commandline

The following command will run the mapfish printer. The arguments must be supplied to the -PprintArgs="..." parameter.

To list all the commandline options then execute (the current direstory is ./core):

> ./gradlew print -PprintArgs="-help"
> ./gradlew print -PprintArgs="-config ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/config.yaml -spec ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/requestData.json -output ./output.pdf"

If you want to run in debug mode you can do the following:

> ./gradlew print --debug-jvm -PprintArgs="-config ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/config.yaml -spec ../examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/requestData.json -output ./output.pdf"

For the examples that use geoserver you shoul run it in the composition, then build and start the composition:

make build
cp docker-compose.override.sample.yaml docker-compose.override.yaml
make acceptance-tests-up

Run the example:

docker-compose exec builder gradle print -PprintArgs="-config /src/examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/config.yaml -spec /src/examples/src/test/resources/examples/simple/requestData.json -output /src/examples/output.pdf"

To use in Eclipse

Create Eclipse project metadata:

> ./gradlew eclipse

Import project into Eclipse

Run in Eclipse

  • Create new Java Run Configuration
  • Main class is org.mapfish.print.cli.Main
  • Program arguments: -config samples/config.yaml -spec samples/spec.json -output $HOME/print.pdf

Contributor License Agreement

Before accepting a contribution, we ask that you provide us a Contributor License Agreement. If you are making your contribution as part of work for your employer, please follow the guidelines on submitting a Corporate Contributor License Agreement. If you are making your contribution as an individual, you can submit a digital Individual Contributor License Agreement.





Thanks to YourKit for letting us use their Java profiler!

Published artifacts


War and jar from version 3.23

War and jar before version 3.23

Releases, including various assets

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].