Open Home AutomationOpen Home Automation with Home Assistant, ESP8266/ESP32 and MQTT
Stars: ✭ 820 (-66.02%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, arduino, esp32, ble, mqtt, esp8266
EsphomeESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
Stars: ✭ 4,324 (+79.2%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, esp32, mqtt, esp8266, platformio
Irremoteesp8266Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
Stars: ✭ 1,964 (-18.61%)
Mutual labels: home-automation, arduino, esp32, esp8266, platformio
Blinker LibraryAn IoT Solution,Blinker library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32.
Stars: ✭ 1,095 (-54.62%)
Mutual labels: arduino, esp32, ble, mqtt, esp8266
Blinker Docblinker中文文档
Stars: ✭ 139 (-94.24%)
Mutual labels: arduino, esp32, ble, mqtt, esp8266
Blynk ServerBlynk is an Internet of Things Platform aimed to simplify building mobile and web applications for the Internet of Things. Easily connect 400+ hardware models like Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry Pi and similar MCUs and drag-n-drop IOT mobile apps for iOS and Android in 5 minutes
Stars: ✭ 8 (-99.67%)
Mutual labels: home-automation, arduino, esp32, mqtt, esp8266
DsckeybusinterfaceAn Arduino/esp8266/esp32 library to directly interface with DSC security systems.
Stars: ✭ 202 (-91.63%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, arduino, esp32, esp8266
Esp Mqtt Json Digital Leds(OBSOLETE) ESP8266 MQTT JSON Digital LEDs for Home Assistant
Stars: ✭ 503 (-79.15%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, arduino, nodemcu, mqtt, esp8266
Esphome Core🚨 No longer used 🚨 - The C++ framework behind ESPHome
Stars: ✭ 545 (-77.41%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, arduino, esp32, esp8266
EspmqttclientWifi and MQTT handling for ESP8266 and ESP32
Stars: ✭ 169 (-93%)
Mutual labels: arduino, esp32, mqtt, esp8266
Wavin Ahc 9000 MqttEsp8266 mqtt interface for Wavin AHC-9000/Jablotron AC-116
Stars: ✭ 47 (-98.05%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, mqtt, esp8266
TinygsmA small Arduino library for GSM modules, that just works
Stars: ✭ 1,186 (-50.85%)
Mutual labels: arduino, esp32, mqtt, esp8266
MysensorsMySensors library and examples
Stars: ✭ 1,150 (-52.34%)
Mutual labels: home-automation, arduino, esp32, esp8266
PysmartnodeMicropython Smarthome framework
Stars: ✭ 58 (-97.6%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, esp32, mqtt, esp8266
Hugo Esp8266Hugo is a 4-button ESP8266 Wi-Fi Remote, Arduino compatible and simple to use.
Stars: ✭ 77 (-96.81%)
Mutual labels: home-automation, arduino, mqtt, esp8266
Homie Esp8266💡 ESP8266 framework for Homie, a lightweight MQTT convention for the IoT
Stars: ✭ 1,241 (-48.57%)
Mutual labels: home-automation, arduino, mqtt, esp8266
Home Assistant ConfigMy Home Assistant configuration & documentation.
Stars: ✭ 99 (-95.9%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, esp32, esp8266
Hass YaapYet another alarm (control) panel for Home Assistant.
Stars: ✭ 44 (-98.18%)
Mutual labels: home-automation, arduino, mqtt, esp8266
Garhagea Home-Automation-friendly ESP8266-based MQTT Garage Door Controller
Stars: ✭ 163 (-93.24%)
Mutual labels: home-assistant, home-automation, arduino, esp8266
Esp8266ESP8266 NodeMCU Workshop
Stars: ✭ 109 (-95.48%)
Mutual labels: arduino, nodemcu, esp8266, platformio