All Projects → ahmedeltaher → Prayer Times Android Azan

ahmedeltaher / Prayer Times Android Azan

Licence: apache-2.0
Prayer + Time + Android + Kotlin + Azan + Library + timezone + islamic + salah + Library aiming to calculate prayer time with one line code , if you implement prayer time application , there is no need to do this headache again .

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Android Arsenal Android ArsenalLICENSE Build Kotlin

What is Azan ?
The Muslim call to ritual prayer made by a muezzin from the minaret of a mosque (or now often played from a recording) . Muslims have 5 prayers per day, at each time all muslims are notified by Azan, to pray. first Muslims used to calcualte prayer time with sun raise and sun shadows, but to simplyied it and make it moreaccurent speacilly in cloudy cities, Mosques currently use a complex calcualtion based on latitude, longitude, height, timezone, sun raise time.

What is Azan library?

Library aiming to calculate prayer time with one line code , if you implement prayer time application , there is no need to do this headache again .


Islam Time prayers is every complex to calculate, cause there is many variables in this calculations like:

  • latitude
  • longitude
  • timezone
  • height
  • The Way of Calculation

Azan library enables you to determin latitude, longitude, timezone, height, The Way of Calculation as Inputes.

Supported Calculation Methods :

Method Name Fajr Angel Isha Angel
Umm al-Qura University, Makkah 18.5 90 min after Maghrib , 120 min during Ramadan
Muslim World League (MWL) 18 17
Egyptian General Authority of Survey 19.5 17.5
University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi 18 18
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 15 15
Ithna Ashari 16 14
Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran 17.7 14
UOIF (Union des organisations islamiques de France) 12 12
Kuwait Calc method 18 17.5

How to use ?

Add it to dependencies in your gradle file

  • Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

    • in your allprojects section , you have to add maven { url '' }
allprojects {  
 repositories { 
                      maven { 
                                url '' 
  • in your build.gradle of your app module , Add the dependency

    implementation 'com.github.ahmedeltaher:Azan:3.0'

Example how to get prayer times

val today = SimpleDate(GregorianCalendar())
val location = Location(30.045411, 31.236735, 2.0, 0)
val azan = Azan(location, Method.EGYPT_SURVEY)
val prayerTimes = azan.getPrayerTimes(today)
val imsaak = azan.getImsaak(today) 
println("date ---> " + + " / " + today.month + " / " + today.year)
println("imsaak ---> $imsaak") println("Fajr ---> " + prayerTimes.fajr()) 
println("sunrise --->" + prayerTimes.shuruq())
println("Zuhr --->" + prayerTimes.thuhr())
println("Asr --->" + prayerTimes.assr()) 
println("Maghrib --->" + prayerTimes.maghrib())
println("ISHA  --->" + prayerTimes.ishaa())


Ahmed Eltaher 2016

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