puppet classify
A ruby library to interface with the classifier service
How to install
gem install puppetclassify
gem build puppetclassify.gemspec
gem install puppetclassify-0.1.0.gem
Maintainers: Brian Cain [email protected]
Tickets: Open an issue or pull request directly on this repository
How to use
Here is the basic configuration you'll need to use the puppetclassify class with certificate auth:
require 'puppetclassify'
# URL of classifier as well as certificates and private key for auth
auth_info = {
"ca_certificate_path" => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem",
"certificate_path" => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/myhostname.vm.pem",
"private_key_path" => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/myhostname.vm.pem",
"read_timeout" => 90 # optional timeout, defaults to 90 if this key doesn't exist
classifier_url = 'https://puppetmaster.local:4433/classifier-api'
puppetclassify = PuppetClassify.new(classifier_url, auth_info)
You can also use token auth by either supplying a path to a token file:
auth_info = {
"ca_certificate_path" => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem",
"token_path" => "/home/sam/.puppetlabs/token",
Or by specifying a token string directly:
token = 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxM....'
auth_info = {
"ca_certificate_path" => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem",
"token" => token,
If you have a token file at ~/.puppetlabs/token
then you can make use of it by not specifying any authentication info, ie:
auth_info = {
"ca_certificate_path" => "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem",
Basic case
If you are wanting to get all of the groups the classifier knows about:
# Get all the groups
Taking action on a specific group by name
If you have a group you want to modify, but do not know the group ID:
my_group_id = puppetclassify.groups.get_group_id("My Group Name")
group_delta = {"variables"=>{"key"=>"value"}, "id"=>my_group_id, "classes"=>{"motd"=>{"content"=>"hello!"}}} # an example to update a groups variables and classes
Retrieving classification of a node
Because the Console classifies nodes based on rules, you may want to submit a
complete facts
hash for rules to match. See the API docs
for examples.
You can retrieve facts for the local node either using Facter from Ruby or the command line. For example:
#! /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby
require 'facter'
facts = { 'fact' => Facter.to_hash }
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
facts = { 'fact' => JSON.parse(`facter -j`) }
Once you have the facts, retrieving classification of a node is simple:
#! /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby
require 'facter'
require 'puppetclassify'
# NOTE: Add setup information here for puppetclassify
# gather facts
facts = { 'fact' => Facter.to_hash }
# Get a node's classification
puppetclassify.classification.get('myhostname.puppetlabs.vm', facts)
Pinning and unpinning nodes to a group in Puppet enterprise
If you want to "pin" a node to a specific group so it gets that classification, you can invoke the pin_nodes command. And if you want to remove nodes from that group, you can run the unpin_nodes command.
If you want to remove nodes from every group they are pinned to, use the unpin_from_all command.
my_group_id = puppetclassify.groups.get_group_id("My Super Awesome Group Name")
nodes = ["hostname.com", "myotherhost.com", "anotherhost.com"]
# pin nodes to group
puppetclassify.groups.pin_nodes(my_group_id, nodes)
# unpin nodes from group
puppetclassify.groups.unpin_nodes(my_group_id, nodes)
# unpin nodes from EVERY group