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resotto / python3-docker-devenv

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Docker Start Guide with Python Development Environment

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Python3 Development Environment on Docker Container

Getting Started

Please run only 2 commands below:

$ docker run -v /app --name pydata ubuntu:18.04 echo "Data-only container for python3"
$ docker run -it --name ubuntu-python3 --volumes-from pydata resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1


Why Python on Docker Container?

You don't have to create virtual environments because you can handle them respectively as a container.

Who Is This Repository Designed for?

  • A developer who feels that Docker Tutorial may be too difficult to understand.
  • A developer who writes Python codes and is new to Docker.
  • A developer who writes Deep Learning codes and is new to Docker.

What You Can Learn with This Repository

  • The way to handle Docker Container.
  • The concepts of Docker.

Installed Software Version Details

  • ubuntu: 18.04.1 LTS
  • python: 3.6.7



First of all, you need to clone this repository and go into it.

$ git clone [email protected]:resotto/python3-docker-devenv.git
$ cd python3-docker-devenv

Next, docker build creates an image from Dockerfile and docker run starts new container from it. About Dockerfile, see What is Dockerfile?.

What is Image?
Docker Image is composed of multi layers. Each layer is read-only file system. New layer is created by every Dockerfile order and piled up on existing layers. If Image is converted to a container by [`docker run`]( or [`docker create`](, Docker Engine adds read/write file system on the image and configures settings about IPAddress, name, id and resource limit etc... **So stopped container is not the same as Image**. It keeps environmental settings such as IPAddress, changed settings, meta-data and file system. They are not saved in Image.

$ docker build -t ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 .
$ docker run -it ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 python3
Hello python3-docker-devenv!

These commands syntax are below:

What is Build Context?
Build Context is just a set of local file or directories which can be referenced from [`ADD`]( or [`COPY`]( in Dockerfile. Usually, it is specified as directory path. Build Context is sent to Docker Daemon as part of build process. You can specify Dockerfile path in Build Context with [`docker build -f ${PATH}`](, **but if not, Docker looks for Dockerfile in the root of Build Context**.

t option with docker build means specifying image name and optionally a tag in the NAME[:TAG] format.

-it is coupled with -i (--interactive) and -t (--tty). i option means keeping STDIN open even if not attached, and t option means allocating a pseudo-TTY, so that you can use shell(Bash) inside a container.

If you confirmed "Hello python3-docker-devenv!", congratulation! You can develop on this container.

In order to save contents in the container, create Data Container in advance.

What is Data Container?
Data Container only aims to share data with other containers. The advantage of creating Data Container is that we can load Docker Volume NameSpace with `--volumes-from ${DATA_CONTAINER_NAME}` easily, which is [`docker run`]( command option.

$ docker run -v /app --name pydata ubuntu:18.04 echo "Data-only container for python3"
Data-only container for python3

This command syntax is below:

  • docker run -v ${VOLUME_DIRECTORY} --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} ${NAME}:${TAG} ${COMMAND}

Specifying -v ${VOLUME_DIRECTORY} is very important to create Docker Volume. If don't, it is not created.
${VOLUME_DIRECTORY} is just a directory in the container and the files in it are copied to a Docker Volume.
Thus, you should work in this directory in order to save files.

After creating Data Container, it stops. However, it is possible for it to be stopped and it should be so.

Then, please run following command so that you can enter the container such as running ssh command.

$ docker run -it --name ubuntu-python3 --volumes-from pydata ubuntu-python3:0.0.1

This command syntax is below:

  • docker run -it --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} --volumes-from ${DATA_CONTAINER_NAME} ${NAME}:${TAG}

In the container, you can also use python interactive interpreter.

root@51c45890a7ed:/app# python3
Python 3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17)
[GCC 8.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

How to Use Docker Commands

If you want to confirm container status, you can run docker ps. If specifying a option, you can retrieve all containers status, while retrieving only running containers with no option.

$ docker ps -a

If you specify q option, it returns only container ids, so that you can do something like this when you want to remove all containers.

$ docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps -aq))

You can check settings of the container with docker inspect.

$ docker inspect ${CONTAINER_NAME}

You can resume the stopped container.
docker start starts container and docker exec runs commands in container. Each command requires one argument, ${CONTAINER_NAME}.

$ docker start ubuntu-python3
$ docker exec -it ubuntu-python3 /bin/bash

If you want only to create a container without starting it, you can run docker create. You can use similar options with docker run.

$ docker create --name ${CONTAINER_NAME}

You can escape from container with typing exit or ctrl + d.
When you escape from a container, it also exits in case you ran it with docker run, while it remains up in case you ran it with docker exec.

Actually, docker run is equivalent to docker create + docker start + docker exec, but not equal to because of the difference between docker run and docker exec.

You also can run docker stop in order to stop container, which requires ${CONTAINER_NAME}.
Additionally, you can release host machine's port allocated to container with docker stop.

$ docker stop ubuntu-python3

You can remove container with docker rm which requires ${CONTAINER_NAME}.

$ docker rm ubuntu-python3

Even after removing container, docker volume still remains.
So you can confirm volume status with docker volume ls and remove it with docker volume rm.

$ docker volume ls
$ docker volume rm ${VOLUME_NAME}

After running a container, you may want to share files between host and the container.
Then, you can run docker cp. This command enables us to share files from host to container, and also from container to host.

$ docker cp ${SRC_DIR} ${CONTAINER_NAME}:${DEST_DIR}
$ docker cp ${CONTAINER_NAME}:${SRC_DIR} ${DEST_DIR}

Besides above, there are many Docker commands, so please check docker reference.

How to Configure Dockerfile

What is Dockerfile?

Dockerfile is just a file which has a series of processes for the purpose of creating Docker Image. There are some orders in Dockerfile.
Here, let's pick up some of them.

Orders of Dockerfile


  • FROM must be the first order in Dockerfile.
    This specifies Docker Image with format NAME[:TAG]. If TAG is omitted, it will be latest, but latest cannot be recommended because the version of latest is not always latest. It means just one of tags.


  • This specifies working directory where orders are executed, such as COPY or RUN etc... You also can specify relative path and use this order many times in Dockerfile.


  • This order copies file from Build Context to image. The format is COPY src dest. You cannot specify src which is out of Build Context.


  • This order takes one argument, which is a command, executes it and commits the result.

Besides above, there are many Dockerfile orders, so please check Dockerfile reference.

Why Does Getting Started Work?

What you did at Getting Started was just two things:

  1. Created Data Container.
  2. Created and ran a container whose data is based on the Data Container.

In step 1, when you did docker run ubuntu:18.04, whose options are omitted here, Docker Daemon looks for the image ubuntu:18.04 from local first. If it isn't there, Docker Daemon tries to pull it from Registry, which is Docker Hub by default.
So you just pulled ubuntu:18.04 from Docker Hub.

What is Registry?
Registry is just a service that hosts and distributes Docker Image.

What is Docker Daemon?
Docker Daemon is responsible for creating, running and monitoring containers, and building and saving images. Although host OS usually starts Docker Daemon, you also can start it explicitly with `docker daemon`.

How about resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 in step2? Was this pulled from Docker Hub too? Exactly. Actually it had already been pushed to and hosted by Docker Hub. You can check it at this page!
So what is the difference between resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 and ubuntu:18.04?
To know this, let's learn Docker Repository first.

What is Repository?
When falling into Docker category, Repository means set of relative images. Usually, it offers various versions of the same application or service. In short, images belong to Repository.

While the format of ubuntu:18.04 is REPOSITORYNAME[:TAG], the format of the original image resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 is USERNAME/REPOSITORYNAME[:TAG]. What is the USERNAME of ubuntu:18.04?
In fact, the ubuntu image ubuntu:18.04 doesn't have USERNAME.

This is because the ubuntu image ubuntu:18.04 belongs "root" namespace, which is managed by Docker Inc. "root" namespace is reserved for official images of prevailing softwares and distributions.
On the other hand, original image such as resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 belongs "user" namespace. This type of image is what is uploaded to Docker Hub by users.

Thus, you can judge whether it is official image or not, due to its format. For example, resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 has USERNAME "resotto" so this is uploaded by the user, not official image.

By the way, how was it uploaded to Docker Hub?
You need to follow 4 steps in order to upload image to Docker Hub:

  1. Signup Docker Hub.
  2. Login Docker Hub.
  3. Tag image as appropriate Repository name.
  4. Push the tagged image to Docker Hub.

1. Signup Docker Hub

In order to host your original image, please signup Docker Hub first.

Click "Sign Up" in Docker Hub.


Type your info into the form and click "Sign Up".


2. Login Docker Hub

Please run docker login and then type your Docker ID and password.

$ docker login

If you have already succeeded at login, you don't have to do anything.

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

When you logout of your registry, you can run docker logout.

3. Tag image as appropriate Repository name

If you passed through Usage, do you remember building an image from Dockerfile as follows?

$ docker build -t ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 .

Undoubtedly, you built an image from Dockerfile, but simultaneously you also tagged the image as ubuntu-python3:0.0.1. This tag has no USERNAME, so please build an image again so that the tag of it will include your Docker ID:

$ docker build -t resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1 .

After building the image, run docker images or docker image ls in order to confirm that it exists.

$ docker images

4. Push the tagged image to Docker Hub

After confirming that the image you tagged exists, please push it to Docker Hub with docker push.

$ docker push resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1

If you omitted your username when running docker push, it would fail. Since "root" namespace is reserved for official images, you cannot push your original image there.

$ docker push ubuntu-python3:0.0.1
The push refers to repository []
ab40990d7169: Preparing
57c7268ba395: Preparing
2b8e0e911375: Preparing
bbf5176f74b4: Preparing
a862c3e0e8f6: Preparing
61cf449bba00: Waiting
0f4f1d0eed43: Waiting
029c04e04f41: Waiting
03b5d5310008: Waiting
665e12eb9565: Waiting
27a216ffe825: Waiting
9e9d3c3a7458: Waiting
7604c8714555: Waiting
adcb570ae9ac: Waiting
denied: requested access to the resource is denied

If you forgot to login, following message would be displayed.

$ docker push resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1
The push refers to repository []
5ce5f63f24c0: Layer already exists
d8d3b3e8a557: Layer already exists
0e6f3b804d02: Layer already exists
8b32fa684eea: Layer already exists
327a00a42c3b: Layer already exists
1c77a0c741d2: Layer already exists
773f076615b0: Layer already exists
75c251c8063a: Layer already exists
c9d22d4a720c: Layer already exists
37907c98853d: Layer already exists
27a216ffe825: Layer already exists
9e9d3c3a7458: Layer already exists
7604c8714555: Layer already exists
adcb570ae9ac: Layer already exists
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
unauthorized: authentication required


Install and Configure git

You already have installed git because it is specified in Dockerfile. So, please configure it.

Set up git

You should add your name and your email to gitconfig.

$ git config --global "[email protected]"
$ git config --global "Your Name"

If you want to confirm its parameters, please run git config with list option.

$ git config --list

Set up ssh

Please generate private key and public key with ssh-keygen.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Syntax of this command is below:

  • ssh-keygen -t ${ALGORITHM}

If you specify t option, you can specify generation algorithm such as RSA or DSA etc…

When you execute ssh-keygen, it asks you some questions about:

Enter file in which to save the key(/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
  • Please specify path including filename where you want to save keys. If specified directory doesn't exist, ssh-keygen command fails.
    If you omitted this path and /root/.ssh doesn't exist, it is created and keys are placed there.
Enter passphrase (empty for o passphrase):
  • Passphrase is a string of characters, which is longer than usual password (minimum five characters but 20 characters preferably). It is used in encryption and decryption of private key.
Enter same passphrase again:
  • Enter the same passphrase as you typed above.

After generating keys, please register public key on GitHub. At first, please copy the result of executing command below.

$ cat

And then, please register it on Github with following instructions.

Open your GitHub account settings.


Click SSH and GPG keys.


Click New SSH key.


Specify Title, paste public key strings into Key and click Add SSH key.


Finally, please run ssh -T [email protected], which attempts to ssh to GitHub.

root@01cb00143067:~/.ssh# ssh -T [email protected]

If you are asked to continue connecting, answer yes. If you specified passphrase, please type it and press enter. If you didn't, it is not required.

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Enter passphrase for key '/root/.ssh/id_rsa':
Hi resotto! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Could you confirm the message "Hi username! You've successfully authenticated"? Fantastic! From now, you can pull your private repository in this container.

It doesn't work? Please check Testing your SSH connection.

Install python packages

This repository has requirements.txt so you can add python packages into it.
They are installed with pip3 when you run docker build.

Install Vim

Actually, you already have installed vim and this repository also has .vimrc which is copied to "/root" in the container. Thus you can use vim by default!

Deep Learning

If you can run learning and predicting models on container and show matplotlib figure about the result, it will be very useful.
In order to implement this, you need to follow 5 steps below:

  1. Install X11 on your host machine.
  2. Configure ssh settings for X11Forwarding.
  3. Expose 22 port for ssh.
  4. Install Tkinter and start ssh service.
  5. Connect to the container with X11Forwarding.

1. Install X11 on your host machine

By default, if you try to show a figure on a container, you can't. Using X11, you can show it on your host machine, not the container.
Please install X11 such as XQuartz.

2. Configure ssh settings for X11Forwarding

If you didn't pass through Set up ssh, please do it first in order to create private key in ~/.ssh/.
After confirming that private key exists there, then you run following command:

$ echo -e Host deeplearning\\n"    "HostName\\n"    "Port 2222\\n"    "User root\\n"    "IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa\\n"    "ForwardX11Timeout 168h\\n"    "LogLevel DEBUG1\\n >> ~/.ssh/config

This command adds ssh settings into ~/.ssh/config.

  • Host is deeplearning, which you can specify at HostName argument of ssh command.
  • HostName is, which is container IPAddress by default.
  • Port is 2222, which is your host machine's port used when you connect to the container with ssh.
  • User is root, which is the user when you connect to the container with ssh.
  • IdentityFile is ~/.ssh/id_rsa, which is your private key used on your host machine.
  • ForwardX11Timeout is 168h, which is duration which X11Forwarding is valid for. In some case, learning models may take some days so it is specified as one week total hours.
  • LogLevel is DEBUG1, which is log level when you run ssh command. To get logs about X11Forwarding, it is specified as DEBUG1.

3. Expose 22 port for ssh

Then, expose 22 port of a container so that you can connect to the container with ssh. In order to leave the container up after escaping from it, docker run is not used here.

$ docker create -it --name deeplearning -p 2222:22 resotto/deeplearning:0.0.1
$ docker start deeplearning
$ docker exec -it deeplearning /bin/bash

When you run docker create, you can expose port with p option, whose format is ${HOST_PORT}:${CONTAINER_PORT}. When connecting to the container with ssh, you can specify ${IP_ADDRESS}:${HOST_PORT} showed via docker ps, so that you can connect to the container with ${CONTAINER_PORT}.

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                   PORTS                     NAMES
3e1eb691372b        resotto/deeplearning:0.0.1     "/bin/bash"              24 hours ago        Up 24 minutes  >22/tcp      deeplearning

Don't forget to add options -it when you run docker create. This is very important. If you did, the container would still remain exited even if you run docker start.

In fact, the image resotto/deeplearning:0.0.1 is already uploaded to Docker Hub. It is different from the one used at Getting Started, whose name is resotto/ubuntu-python3:0.0.1. It is also built by Dockerfile, which some orders are added to this repository's one.
Added orders are below:

# Deep Learning
RUN apt-get install -y xorg
RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN pip3 install numpy
RUN pip3 install matplotlib
RUN pip3 install sklearn
RUN pip3 install tensorflow
RUN pip3 install keras
RUN echo "root:root" | chpasswd
RUN echo PermitRootLogin yes >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RUN echo X11UseLocalhost no >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Some softwares are installed, and some settings are changed.

  • xorg is used for X11Forwarding on container.
  • sshd is installed via openssh-server, so that you can connect to the container with ssh.
  • chpasswd is used for changing specific user's password. If you run echo "${USER}:${PASSWORD}" and pipe it to chpasswd, the password of the user is registered. Here, the password of root is specified as root.
  • /etc/ssh/sshd_config is used for sshd. Via redirect, if PermitRootLogoin yes is added into sshd_config, you can connect to the container with root, and if X11UseLocalhost no is added into it, forwarding X server should be bound to the wildcard IPAddress.
    Please remember that container default IPAddress is which is wildcard IPAddress. So you can connect to the container with X11Forwarding.

4. Install Tkinter and start ssh service

After running docker exec, let's upgrade installed softwares.

$ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
$ pip3 install -U numpy && pip3 install -U matplotlib && pip3 install -U sklearn && pip3 install -U tensorflow && pip3 install -U keras

And then, please install Tkinter.

$ apt-get install -y python3-tk

This install will ask you about your geographic area and city/region where you live.

Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of cities, representing
the time zones in which they are located.

  1. Africa   3. Antarctica  5. Arctic Ocean  7. Atlantic Ocean  9. Indian Ocean    11. System V timezones  13. None of the above
  2. America  4. Australia   6. Asia          8. Europe          10. Pacific Ocean  12. US
Geographic area:

Please select the city or region corresponding to your time zone.

  1. Aden      11. Baku        21. Damascus          31. Hong Kong  41. Kashgar       51. Makassar      61. Pyongyang  71. Singapore      81. Ujung Pandang
  2. Almaty    12. Bangkok     22. Dhaka             32. Hovd       42. Katmandu      52. Manila        62. Qatar      72. Srednekolymsk  82. Ulaanbaatar
  3. Amman     13. Barnaul     23. Dili              33. Irkutsk    43. Khandyga      53. Muscat        63. Qostanay   73. Taipei         83. Urumqi
  4. Anadyr    14. Beirut      24. Dubai             34. Istanbul   44. Kolkata       54. Nicosia       64. Qyzylorda  74. Tashkent       84. Ust-Nera
  5. Aqtau     15. Bishkek     25. Dushanbe          35. Jakarta    45. Krasnoyarsk   55. Novokuznetsk  65. Rangoon    75. Tbilisi        85. Vientiane
  6. Aqtobe    16. Brunei      26. Famagusta         36. Jayapura   46. Kuala Lumpur  56. Novosibirsk   66. Riyadh     76. Tehran         86. Vladivostok
  7. Ashgabat  17. Chita       27. Gaza              37. Jerusalem  47. Kuching       57. Omsk          67. Sakhalin   77. Tel Aviv       87. Yakutsk
  8. Atyrau    18. Choibalsan  28. Harbin            38. Kabul      48. Kuwait        58. Oral          68. Samarkand  78. Thimphu        88. Yangon
  9. Baghdad   19. Chongqing   29. Hebron            39. Kamchatka  49. Macau         59. Phnom Penh    69. Seoul      79. Tokyo          89. Yekaterinburg
  10. Bahrain  20. Colombo     30. Ho Chi Minh City  40. Karachi    50. Magadan       60. Pontianak     70. Shanghai   80. Tomsk          90. Yerevan
Time zone:

Then, please start ssh service in order to connect to this container with ssh.

$ service ssh start

If you forgot to start ssh service and connected to the container with ssh, following message would be displayed:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

5. Connect to the container with X11Forwarding

At last, it is time for ssh.
First of all, open your ssh-client which is capable of X11Forwarding. Here, please assume using XQuartz terminal.

And then, please connect to the container with ssh, which you configured above.

$ ssh deeplearning

You also can connect to the container explicitly with ssh:

$ ssh -Xv -p 2222 [email protected]
  • -Xv is coupled with -X and -v. X option means permitting X11Forwarding. v option means showing debug messages.
  • p option means specifying port where you connect to the remote host.

If you run container from resotto/deeplearning:0.0.1, a python3 file, which operates learning and predicting Sine wave with TensorFlow GRU, is included in the container /app.
So you can try it:

$ cd /app/
$ python3

After learning models, if this kind of figure is displayed, awesome!


In the end, undoubtedly you also can use Data Container with --volumes-from like Getting Started.

$ docker run -it --name deeplearning -p 2222:22 --volumes-from pydata resotto/deeplearning:0.0.1


Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].