apisearch-io / Search Server
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Search Server
Apisearch - Server
This library is part of the Apisearch project.
Apisearch is an open source search engine fully based on open source third party technologies. The project provides an in crescendo set of language integration libraries for her users, as well as some third party projects integration bundles, plugins, or javascript widgets.
Step 1 - First of all, let's use docker to create a clean installation of the minimum requirements Apisearch server has.
Using docker-compose - Clone this repository and use docker-compose
git clone [email protected]:apisearch-io/search-server.git
de search-server
docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose-basic.yml up
Using Docker - Create an elasticsearch and a server containers from the registry
docker run -d \
--network host \
-e "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx256m" \
-e "discovery.type=single-node" \
-e "action.auto_create_index=-apisearch*,+*" \
docker pull apisearchio/search-server:latest
docker run -d \
--network host \
-e "APISEARCH_GOD_TOKEN=0e4d75ba-c640-44c1-a745-06ee51db4e93" \
-e "APISEARCH_HEALTH_CHECK_TOKEN=6326d504-0a5f-f1ae-7344-8e70b75fcde9" \
-e "APISEARCH_ENABLED_PLUGINS=elasticsearch" \
-e "ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=localhost" \
Step 2 - Check the Server health
curl "http://localhost:8000/health" \
-H "Apisearch-Token-Id: 6326d504-0a5f-f1ae-7344-8e70b75fcde9"
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