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suxiongwei / Springcloud Shop

Licence: apache-2.0
基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud的微服务商城demo

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基于SpringCloud的微服务架构实战案例项目,以一个简单的购物流程为示例,融合spring cloud 相关组件,如spring-cloud-netflix、swagger等
Stars: ✭ 687 (+246.97%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul, spring-security
《史上最简单的Spring Cloud教程源码》
Stars: ✭ 16,218 (+8090.91%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Sample Spring Oauth2 Microservices
some examples that show basic and more advanced implementations of oauth2 authorization mechanism in spring-cloud microservices environment
Stars: ✭ 109 (-44.95%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul, spring-security
Sample Spring Microservices
Many samples in different branches that shows how to create microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Zipkin, Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix, Kubernetes, Elastic Stack and many more tools
Stars: ✭ 368 (+85.86%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Spring Cloud Examples
Spring Cloud 学习案例,服务发现、服务治理、链路追踪、服务监控等
Stars: ✭ 5,829 (+2843.94%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Bookstoreapp Distributed Application
Ecommerce project is being developed using Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud (Backend) and React (Frontend). Splitting the Ecommerce functionality into various individual microservices so that they can be distributed, scale really well and make use of resources efficiently.
Stars: ✭ 63 (-68.18%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Spring Cloud
Stars: ✭ 130 (-34.34%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Spring Cloud Learning
Stars: ✭ 37 (-81.31%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Springcloud Learning
Spring Cloud基础教程,持续连载更新中
Stars: ✭ 6,839 (+3354.04%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Mini Platform
Stars: ✭ 45 (-77.27%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Jiiiiiin Security
Stars: ✭ 132 (-33.33%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-session, spring-security
Spring Cloud Flycloud
🔥🔥🔥FlyClould 微服务实战项目框架,在该框架中,包括了用 Spring Cloud 构建微服务的一系列基本组件和框架,对于后台服务框架的搭建有很大的参考价值,大家可以参考甚至稍加修改可以直接应用于自己的实际的项目开发中,该项目没有采用Maven进行项目构建,Maven通过xml进行依赖管理,导致整个配置文件太过臃肿,另外灵活性也不是很强,所以我采用Gradle进行项目构建和依赖管理,在FlyTour项目中我们见证了Gradle的强大,通过简单的一些配置就可以轻松的实现组件化的功能。该项目共有11个Module工程。其中10个位微服务工程,这10个微服务工程构成了一个完整的微服务系统,微服务系统包含了8个基础服务,提供了一整套微服务治理功能,他们分别是配置中心module_c…
Stars: ✭ 1,514 (+664.65%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-security
Awesome Spring
A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.
Stars: ✭ 186 (-6.06%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-security
Vaadin Microservices Demo
A microservices example developed with Spring Cloud and Vaadin
Stars: ✭ 108 (-45.45%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-boot, zuul
Learning Path Spring Boot Microservices
Curated path for learning Spring Boot & Microservices based on published videos in TechPrimers
Stars: ✭ 116 (-41.41%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-security
Sample Spring Microservices Advanced
More advanced samples of spring boot and spring cloud microservices showing usage of such tools like api Swagger2 on Zuul, integraction with MongoDB, configuration server, testing with Spring Cloud Contract or Hoverfly
Stars: ✭ 112 (-43.43%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul
Spring Samples
A series of examples used to demonstrate certain features of Spring.
Stars: ✭ 154 (-22.22%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-security
Spring Boot Cloud
基于 Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Spring Oauth2 和 Spring Cloud Netflix 等框架构建的微服务项目
Stars: ✭ 2,044 (+932.32%)
Mutual labels:  eureka, spring-cloud, zuul
Spring Cloud Study
Stars: ✭ 108 (-45.45%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-security
Sample Spring Microservices Kubernetes
sample spring boot application that uses some features provided by spring cloud kubernetes, spring cloud ribbon and zuul proxy deployed on Kubernetes
Stars: ✭ 123 (-37.88%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-cloud, zuul

基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud的微服务应用

本项目内容基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud开发。实现电商应用基础服务,包括用户服务,商品服务,订单服务,功能包括用户注册,用户鉴权,商品列表,商品详情,下单,查看订单列表,订单详情。

  • 使用Spring Boot, Spring JPA实现底层服务的CRUD
  • 单元测试,API测试
  • 符合RESTful API规范
  • 实现服务注册发现组件
  • 实现服务网关组件
  • 实现服务的高可用


  • api-gateway : 服务网关
  • eureka-server : 服务注册中心
  • config-server : 分布式配置中心
  • category-service : 商品服务
  • order-service : 订单服务
  • user-service : 用户服务
  • web-app : web服务


  • IDE: Intellij IDEA
  • 缓存服务器(数据库): Redis
  • 数据库: MySQL(数据库代码dbkeda.sql)
  • 项目框架: Spring Boot + Spring Cloud


  • 1、开启Redis和MySQL服务

  • 2、分别启动各个微服务:EurekaServerApplication、ApiGatewayApplication、ConfigServerApplication、CategoryApplication、OrderApplication、UserApplication、WebApplication

  • 3、服务调用






  • 重新维护项目,将配置文件拆分到单独的配置中心仓库中去
  • 去除视图组件,通过REST URL调用(推介Postman进行测试)


  • 修复依赖无法加载的问题



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