shreyans29 / Thesemicolon
This repository contains Ipython notebooks and datasets for the data analytics youtube tutorials on The Semicolon.
Stars: ✭ 345
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Thesemicolon
Pytorch Sentiment Analysis
Tutorials on getting started with PyTorch and TorchText for sentiment analysis.
Stars: ✭ 3,209 (+830.14%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, tutorial, lstm, rnn, sentiment-analysis
Machine Learning With Python
Practice and tutorial-style notebooks covering wide variety of machine learning techniques
Stars: ✭ 2,197 (+536.81%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib Assignments
Stars: ✭ 268 (-22.32%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, convolutional-neural-networks, lstm, rnn
Sigmoidal ai
Tutoriais de Python, Data Science, Machine Learning e Deep Learning - Sigmoidal
Stars: ✭ 103 (-70.14%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, convolutional-neural-networks, matplotlib
Interpretable ML package 🔍 for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling (sklearn-compatible).
Stars: ✭ 194 (-43.77%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, tutorial, scikit-learn
Pytorch Pos Tagging
A tutorial on how to implement models for part-of-speech tagging using PyTorch and TorchText.
Stars: ✭ 96 (-72.17%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, tutorial, lstm, rnn
Pytorch Learners Tutorial
PyTorch tutorial for learners
Stars: ✭ 97 (-71.88%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, convolutional-neural-networks, lstm, rnn
Data Science For Marketing Analytics
Achieve your marketing goals with the data analytics power of Python
Stars: ✭ 127 (-63.19%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, numpy, matplotlib
Ds and ml projects
Data Science & Machine Learning projects and tutorials in python from beginner to advanced level.
Stars: ✭ 56 (-83.77%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, scikit-learn, matplotlib
Deeplearning cv notes
📓 deepleaning and cv notes.
Stars: ✭ 223 (-35.36%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
AI-related tutorials. Access any of them for free →
Stars: ✭ 204 (-40.87%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, tutorial, sentiment-analysis
Personality Detection
Implementation of a hierarchical CNN based model to detect Big Five personality traits
Stars: ✭ 338 (-2.03%)
Mutual labels: convolutional-neural-networks, lstm, sentiment-analysis, cnn-keras
Pymc Example Project
Example PyMC3 project for performing Bayesian data analysis using a probabilistic programming approach to machine learning.
Stars: ✭ 90 (-73.91%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, scikit-learn, numpy
Machine Learning
My Attempt(s) In The World Of ML/DL....
Stars: ✭ 78 (-77.39%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, tutorial, lstm, rnn
My workshop on machine learning using python language to implement different algorithms
Stars: ✭ 89 (-74.2%)
Mutual labels: numpy, scikit-learn, matplotlib, gradient-descent
Learning python
Source material for Python Like You Mean it
Stars: ✭ 78 (-77.39%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, tutorial, numpy
Machine Learning
notebooks with example for machine learning examples
Stars: ✭ 45 (-86.96%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
Ncar Python Tutorial
Numerical & Scientific Computing with Python Tutorial
Stars: ✭ 50 (-85.51%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, tutorial, numpy, matplotlib
Data Science Projects With Python
A Case Study Approach to Successful Data Science Projects Using Python, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn
Stars: ✭ 198 (-42.61%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, data-science, scikit-learn, numpy
Pytorch Seq2seq
Tutorials on implementing a few sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models with PyTorch and TorchText.
Stars: ✭ 3,418 (+890.72%)
Mutual labels: jupyter-notebook, tutorial, lstm, rnn
The Semicolon
This repository contains the Ipython Notebooks to the Data Analytics youtube tutorials on The Semicolon. The youtube link for the tutorials :
The following Ipython notebooks are available on this repository.
Python for Data Analytics
Learn Python in 10 Minutes
Numpy and Matplotlib Tutorial
Pandas tutorial
Sklearn linear regression
Sklearn Random Forest Classifier
Sklearn dimensionality reduction
Machine Learning with Text Count Vectorizer
Machine Learning with Text TF- IDF
Live Sentiment Analysis
Perceptron And Gradient Descent
Neural Networks and Backpropogation Algorithm
Ensemble Learning
Deep Learning with Keras
Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras
Word2vec implementation in gensim
Simple LSTM implementation with Keras
LSTM implementation details with Keras, Normailzation, Activation, Loss
Chatbot Preprocessing
Chatbot training
Chatbot Chat
- Chatbot Trained models:
Apart from this the datasets used are housing.csv, mnist.csv and smsspam
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].