Recently analyzed open source projects

Storj (Krey81)
My scripts for Storj SNO's
✭ 19
MosaicDeeplearningBook (koshian2)
モザイク除去から学ぶ 最先端のディープラーニング 質問用
✭ 19
kolide-quickstart (kolide)
[DEPRECATED] A quickstart demo for Kolide tools
coroutine (kmalloc)
a simple coroutine for c++
✭ 20
prolog (kkty)
Implementation of Prolog in TypeScript
ninja (Kitware)
Kitware branch of ninja for staging features not yet integrated upstream
✭ 44
SectorRotation (KirkHadley)
RF + GBM + ARIMA/NN Hybrid ensemble for predicting 6-month returns for the 9 sector ETFs plus IYZ
✭ 19
croniter (kiorky)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 201
scalajs-react-material-ui (kinoplan)
Scala.js wrapper of for use with
Phrase (KingsMentor)
Language Translation wrapper on Google Translate, DeepL and other custom translation engine in Android
docker-mongo (khezen)
MongoDB Docker image embedding RocksDB storage engine
ytguess (keyunq)
✭ 17
plant-disease-detection (kevalnagda)
A plant disease detector (classifier) based on the PlantVillage dataset.
latent_object_detector (kerrizor)
Flags frequently used words in method names as possible latent concepts.
✭ 30
WiFiDirectTestApp (kensuke)
Android Wi-Fi Direct API Test Application
✭ 29
GameObject-Brush (Kellojo)
A simple and completely free editor extension for the Unity game engine. It allows you to paint prefabs and gameobjects. Visit it's page on the Unity Asset Store (
✭ 51
microML (kellino)
a simple functional language for learners
wo (keelii)
A FE Build tools with easy cli.
server-benchmarks (kataras)
🚀 Cross-platform transparent benchmarks for HTTP/2 Web Servers at 2020-2023
python-requestions (kanzure)
Serialization for python-requests based on JSON.
✭ 14
PATE (kamathhrishi)
Pytorch implementation of paper Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data (
Links-QA (Kakha-Khinikadze)
Сборная солянка полезных ссылок для QA/тестировщика. Ссылки будут постоянно пополняться.
svelte-dragdroplist (jwlarocque)
Sortable lists with Svelte 3. Animated, touch-friendly, and accessible.
pyRpc (justinfx)
A simple remote procedure call module using ZeroMQ for python
✭ 27
VectorizedRNG.jl (JuliaSIMD)
Vectorized uniform and normal random samplers.
✭ 20
Playerly (julianschiavo)
A lightweight app to play videos from the Files app in a better (dark) interface which avoids losing your playback position.
✭ 30
Mediapipe-VR-Fullbody-Tracking (ju1ce)
A repository using the MediaPipe API for fullbody tracking in VR with a single camera.
json-schema-form (json-schema-form)
The json-schema-form standard
✭ 45
Researches (jreegun)
Contains poc's and my research works
✭ 30
computing_materials_science (JQFonseca)
Jupyter notebooks for the Computing and Comunication skills 1st Year Materials Science Course at Manchester
jverify-flutter-plugin (jpush)
JPush's officially supported Flutter plugin (Android & iOS). 极光推送官方支持的 Flutter 插件(Android & iOS)。
p8 (jozanza)
👾 PICO-8 dependency manager
GWAS_Flow (Joyvalley)
GPU accelerated GWAS framework based on TensorFlow
EasyConfig.jl (joshday)
Easy-to-write JSON-ish data structure
✭ 31
aws-es-proxy (joona)
Simple Local AWS ElasticSearch Service proxy
✭ 21
node-rtlsdr (joeferner)
Node bindings for rtl-sdr
sparse-filtering (jmetzen)
Unsupervised feature learning based on sparse-filtering
✭ 50
notepad (jmarrec)
Notepad++ for energy modeling - Syntax highlighting, navigation pane, and code folding
✭ 23
sausage (jlipps)
A PHP framework for the Sauce Labs REST API
✭ 69
docker-cloudberry-backup (jlesage)
Docker container for CloudBerry Backup (Linux Edition)
protonet-bert-text-classification (jingyuanz)
finetune bert for small dataset text classification in a few-shot learning manner using ProtoNet
colorfulclouds-hass (jihao)
A hass component to integrate with colorfulclouds (彩云天气)
✭ 24
MyTouchGallery (JianxunRao)
Simple TouchGallery demo based on ViewPager and Photoview.
✭ 15
RxHttp (JiangHaiYang01)
Retrofit 与 协程结合 断点下载 上传,网络缓存
md-haxebinding (jgranick)
Adds haxe and NME support to MonoDevelop
✭ 89
installGrinch (jetsonhacks)
Install Grinch Kernel
✭ 20
bluemdb (jerry-shimeng)
bluemdb 是一个使用golang语言实现的高性能跨平台的nosql
✭ 13
threex.coloradjust (jeromeetienne)
three.js extension which provides an color adjustement based on a 3d texture.
✭ 14
MiniDao (jeecgboot)
An powerful enhanced toolkit of SpringJdbc for simplify development
stlink-tool (jeanthom)
Firmware uploader for ST-Link
scalaworld-2015 (jdegoes)
Supporting material for ScalaWorld 2015.
✭ 99
ansible-plugin (jcsirot)
Jenkins Ansible plugin
drum-patterns (jcelerier)
A collection of drum patterns in a simple format
✭ 20
Keystrokes (jboesch)
A jQuery event for capturing key strokes and combo keys
✭ 15
supermarket (jberkel)
ruby bindings for the android market api
✭ 88
dockerfiles (JanitorTechnology)
popular development environments as containers
play-static-asset-optimizations (jamesward)
No description, website, or topics provided.
Database-Quotes-JSON (JamesFT)
JSON file with more than 5000+ famous quotes.
✭ 137
Easing-Equation-for-SASS-SCSS (jamesflorentino)
A list of easing equations for SASS/SCSS
✭ 18
maptiles (jahed)
Map tile generator. Converts an image into map tiles using ImageMagick. Map tiles can be used in Google Maps, Leaflet and other map rendering software.
scalanum (izeigerman)
No description or website provided.
SwiftUIPagingScrollView (izakpavel)
implementation of generic paging scrollView in SwiftUI
✭ 89
MLLiveVisionExample (IzaakPrats)
An example of using a live camera feed and the new CoreML and Vision frameworks to predict the object in the frame on iOS 11.
✭ 21
simple-event-loop (iximiuz)
Fully-functional Event Loop in 100 Lines of Python
og-image-overlay (itsmereal)
Add automated image overlay on top of Open Graph images. This plugin extends the Open Graph features from Yoast SEO or Rank Math plugin.
macaroni_server (iSIGHTPartners)
A REST API server for yara event notifications. Mapping file hashes to yara signatures in Elasticsearch for easy hash lookup or finding hashes by search yara signature names.
if_release (IronFoundry)
Iron Foundry release to enable .NET support alongside a Cloud Foundry environment
creator-code-todo-demo (ionic-team)
The final code used in the Creator Custom Code Support Deep Dive Video
✭ 27
elasticsearch (Invertus)
Elasticsearch® module for PrestaShop that makes search and filter significantly faster.
acdata (IntersectAustralia)
No description, website, or topics provided.
ias (intel)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 18
SaudiNewsNet (inparallel)
This repo contains a set of Arabic newspaper articles alongwith metadata, extracted from various Saudi newspapers.
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monaco (inoyatov)
Monaco powerline patched font for airline or powerline Ubuntu Terminal
✭ 16
node-libnice (Innovailable)
A thin wrapper around the ICE library libnice
pypostalcode (inkjet)
Python module for Canadian postal code lookup and radius searches
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time-limit-promise (inikulin)
Fulfill long runinng promises on timeout.
✭ 11
jenkins-lxc (Incubaid)
Utility scripts to run Jenkins CI jobs inside btrfs-snapshot based LXC containers
✭ 22
gitea-kanban (Incubaid)
No description, website, or topics provided.
impresscms (ImpressCMS)
A multilingual, extensible, community oriented CMS developed in PHP
dear-santa-action (imjohnbo)
Write to Santa 🎅 and he'll respond with just the right Christmas greeting 🎄
play-cxf (imindeu)
Apache CXF custom transport module for using SOAP with Play Framework.
✭ 35
ihaiu.GUIDRef (ihaiucom)
unity GUID查看项目资源使用情况工具
mmvae (iffsid)
Multimodal Mixture-of-Experts VAE
hexo-reading-time (ierhyna)
Plugin for Hexo CMS to display reading time for article
binarytiers (idaunis)
BinaryTiers is a C++ web application framework that implements the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture pattern. BinaryTiers is designed to be fast, robust, secure and easy to scale.
moko-geo (icerockdev)
Geolocation access for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
real_chat_flutter (ibtesam123)
No description, website, or topics provided.
501-600 recently analyzed projects