play-scala-seed.g8Play Scala Seed Template: run "sbt new playframework/play-scala-seed.g8"
Stars: ✭ 66 (-65.98%)
play-scala-tls-exampleA Play application using HTTPS and WS with optional client authentication
Stars: ✭ 44 (-77.32%)
play-java-seed.g8Play Java Seed template: use "sbt new playframework/play-java-seed.g8"
Stars: ✭ 20 (-89.69%)
Stars: ✭ 85 (-56.19%)
Jni By Examples🎇Fun Java JNI By Examples - with CMake and C++ (or C, of course!) ‼️ Accepting PRs
Stars: ✭ 99 (-48.97%)
NodeExpressCRUDNode, Express, Mongoose and MongoDB CRUD Web Application
Stars: ✭ 45 (-76.8%)
GStreamer-PythonFetch RTSP Stream using GStreamer in Python and get image in Numpy
Stars: ✭ 81 (-58.25%)
scala-basic-skeletonStarting point if you want to bootstrap a project in Scala
Stars: ✭ 16 (-91.75%)
Stars: ✭ 37 (-80.93%)
SeatLayoutA seat selection library for Android with an example for selecting seats for flights, sports venue, theatres, etc
Stars: ✭ 30 (-84.54%)
db2-samplesDb2 application code, configuration samples, and other examples
Stars: ✭ 56 (-71.13%)
Owin Webapi Service✅ OWIN / WebAPI windows service example. Includes attribute based routing sample
Stars: ✭ 175 (-9.79%)
Jetpack-compose-sampleForget about bunch of XML files for maintaining UIs. Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. Here is a small example to get started.
Stars: ✭ 29 (-85.05%)
react-recoilA sample implementation of React Recoil.
Stars: ✭ 42 (-78.35%)
Flutter Layouts ExamplsLayout of the flutter example.such as Row,Comlun,listview,Just for learning.
Stars: ✭ 292 (+50.52%)
Rxjava2 Android SamplesRxJava 2 Android Examples - Migration From RxJava 1 to RxJava 2 - How to use RxJava 2 in Android
Stars: ✭ 4,950 (+2451.55%)
Go Project SampleIntroduce the best practice experience of Go project with a complete project example.通过一个完整的项目示例介绍Go语言项目的最佳实践经验.
Stars: ✭ 344 (+77.32%)
Scala Pet StoreAn implementation of the java pet store using FP techniques in scala
Stars: ✭ 812 (+318.56%)
cloud-cf-espmA reference application showcasing an end-to-end development scenario in Java on SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment.
Stars: ✭ 14 (-92.78%)
SimpleopenclsamplesSimple OpenCL Samples that Build with Khronos Headers and Libs
Stars: ✭ 22 (-88.66%)
AdhokkuA toy PaaS
Stars: ✭ 32 (-83.51%)
Simple Mvp Retrofit ExampleA simple example of a project using MVP architecture and Retrofit 2.0 library for Android for beginners.
Stars: ✭ 70 (-63.92%)
UnitymathreferenceMath reference for games and more. All visualized in Unity3D.
Stars: ✭ 166 (-14.43%)
SwiftysampleprojectA starter project for Sample Project in swift 3.0/4.0 (also bridging header included so you could use objective c code in it as well ). For objectiveC version : > Supports iOS 8.4+ > Swift 4.x
Stars: ✭ 47 (-75.77%)
Go Examplesexamples written using golang third party packages.
Stars: ✭ 106 (-45.36%)
Django Crud Ajax Login Register FileuploadDjango Crud, Django Crud Application, Django ajax CRUD,Django Boilerplate application, Django Register, Django Login,Django fileupload, CRUD, Bootstrap, AJAX, sample App
Stars: ✭ 118 (-39.18%)
Clean Architecture SwiftuiSwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Stars: ✭ 2,925 (+1407.73%)