All Git Users → GoogleChromeLabs

129 open source projects by GoogleChromeLabs

1. Dynamic Import Polyfill
A fast, tiny polyfill for dynamic import() that works in all module-supporting browsers
✭ 249
2. So Pwa
A progressive web app to read Stack Overflow content.
3. Critters
🦔 A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.
4. Adaptive Loading
Demos for Adaptive Loading - differentially deliver fast, lighter experiences for users on slow networks & devices
✭ 230
5. Text Editor
A text editor build on the Native File System APIs
✭ 231
6. Import From Worker
It’s like import(), but runs the module in a worker.
✭ 207
7. Sample Pie Shop
Example e-commerce site to explore PWA (Progressive Web App) use cases.
9. Autowebperf
AutoWebPerf provides a flexible and scalable framework for running web performance audits with arbitrary audit tools including PageSpeedInsights, WebPageTest and more.
10. Lighthousebot
Run Lighthouse in CI, as a web service, using Docker. Pass/Fail GH pull requests.
11. Wasm Feature Detect
A small library to detect which features of WebAssembly are supported.
✭ 191
12. Preload Webpack Plugin
Please use instead.
13. File Drop
A simple file drag and drop custom-element
14. Http2 Push Manifest
Generate a list of static resources for http2 push.
✭ 185
15. Audioworklet Polyfill
🔊 Polyfill AudioWorklet using the legacy ScriptProcessor API.
16. Pr Bot
🤖 Compare your base branch to a pull request and run plugins over it to view differences
✭ 178
18. Discovery
Discoveries on Sustainable Loading research
19. Squoosh
Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
20. Link To Text Fragment
Browser extension that allows for linking to arbitrary text fragments.
21. Prerender Loader
📰 Painless universal pre-rendering for Webpack.
22. Imagecapture Polyfill
MediaStream ImageCapture polyfill. Take photos from the browser as easy as .takePhoto().then(processPhoto)
23. Appr Wrapper
Payment Request wrapper for Apple Pay JS
✭ 148
24. Worker Plugin
👩‍🏭 Adds native Web Worker bundling support to Webpack.
25. Http2push Gae
Drop-in HTTP2 push on App Engine
✭ 140
26. Simplehttp2server
A simple HTTP/2 server for development
27. Credential Management Sample
Credential Management Sample
✭ 137
28. Buffer Backed Object
Buffer-backed objects in JavaScript.
✭ 137
29. Web Vitals Report
Measure and report on your Web Vitals data in Google Analytics
✭ 136
31. Kv Storage Polyfill
A polyfill for the kv-storage built-in module.
34. Ndb
ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools
35. Sample Currency Converter
A sample currency conversion Progressive Web App
36. Perf Track
Tracking framework performance and usage at scale
✭ 116
39. Clooney
Clooney is an actor library for the web. Use workers without thinking about workers.
✭ 1,372
40. Carlo
Web rendering surface for Node applications
✭ 9,283
41. Wasi Fs Access
This is a demo shell powered by WebAssembly, WASI, Asyncify and File System Access API.
42. Rowing Monitor
The Rowing Monitor is a Progressive Web App that uses Web Bluetooth to connect to a PM5 Monitor and track exercises.
43. Wp Sitemaps
Proposal to integrate basic XML Sitemaps in WordPress Core
44. Chromeos smart card connector
Smart Card Connector App for Chrome OS
45. Google Sign In
Google Sign-In for Websites sample code.
✭ 89
46. Json Parse Benchmark
Benchmark comparing JSON.parse vs. equivalent JavaScript literals across JavaScript engines.
✭ 86
A community-driven gathering place for CSS Houdini worklets and resources.
48. Selenium Assistant
A node module that helps using browsers with selenium
✭ 83
49. Quicklink
⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time
50. Confluence
Service and API for Web API Confluence: Metrics for web platform health
✭ 82
1-50 of 129 user projects