18 open source projects by M4cs

1. Darkspiritz
🌔 Official Repository for DarkSpiritz Penetration Framework | Written in Python 🐍
2. Blackeye Python
BlackEye Phishing Kit in Python w Serveo Subdomain Creation | Educational Purposes Only
3. Easymodels
Easily find and view pre-trained AI models and deep learning projects through the command line 💻
4. Traxss
traxss | Automated XSS Vulnerability Scanner Currently In Development 🐍 HACKTOBERFEST PROJECT 2019
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5. Slacky
🐍 The BEST Slack Selfbot on GitHub | No Bot User, Acts Like It's You! ⭐️
6. Foxify Cli
💻 Firefox Command-Line Theme Manager 🦊 Inspired by spicetify-cli 🔥
8. walgur
💻 Set your desktop background from randomly picked Imgur links! 🖼️
9. drugwars
💰 The Classic 80s MS-DOS Game re-written in Python 💰 Play in Console or in your Browser
10. DigiDuck-Framework
Framework for Digiduck Development Boards running ATTiny85 processors and micronucleus bootloader!
11. iOS-Project-Archive
Collection of iOS 11 Jailbreak Tweaks | Complete and Incomplete | Credit required with use of source code | Probably has forks of other OS projects
12. iOS-Tweak-Dev-Tools
A collection of useful development tools and forks of tools that are geared towards iOS jailbreak developers.
13. yourAI
GPT-2 Discord Bot and Steps to Train Something Like You
14. rootlessJB-Patcher
⭐ All in One rootlessJB patcher to make patching tweaks for rootlessJB even easier. 🐍
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15. aly
Command Line Alias Manager and Plugin System - Written in Golang
16. M4cs
About Me and More
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18. Athena
Athena | General User Interface for the Theos Tweak Development Framework
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1-18 of 18 user projects