All Git Users → oslabs-beta

158 open source projects by oslabs-beta

1. Reactrtc
NPM package that simplifies set-up of WebRTC as importable React components
✭ 254
2. Aether
All-in-One Memory Leak Testing Solution
✭ 254
3. Yodelay
Your preferred gRPC endpoint testing tool. Making sure your outbound 🗣️ ‘yodelay’ returns the ‘IiiOoo’ 📣 that you expect
✭ 231
4. Opticql
Developer tool focused on streamlining the performance testing and optimization of GraphQL API
✭ 213
5. Dockter
A low-overhead, open-source Docker log management tool
✭ 213
6. Connext Js
A middleware and route handling solution for Next.js.
7. Hypnos
The best way to test GraphQL calls to RESTful APIs.
✭ 209
8. Reactrpc
Full feature integration library for gRPC-Web into React
✭ 206
9. Drawql
an OSS tool for designing a graphql endpoint in Apollo
✭ 201
10. Equa11y
A stream-lined command line tool for developers to easily run accessibility testing locally through axe-core and puppeteer.
11. Preducks
React/Redux/Typescript Application Prototyping & Smart Boilerplate Generation Tool
✭ 199
12. Postql
Web app to visualize your GraphQL metrics and provide historical analytics
✭ 189
13. Totalrecoiljs
TotalRecoilJS is a tool created to help developers visualize/debug and track their Recoil state via a Chrome extension.
14. Horus
🎯 A gRPC-Node Distributed Tracing and Monitoring Tool.
15. Battletest
A CLI module for npm that auto-generates tests based on user specified parameters.
✭ 182
16. Svelte Sight
A Svelte dev tool for visualizing component hierarchy, state, and props of your application
✭ 179
17. Osiris
An Electron based desktop application for generating components, building pages, and storing them in a UI library.
18. Genesisql
rapid schema-prototyping tool for GraphQL applications
✭ 171
19. Torchql
A tool to quickly generate GraphQL schemas and resolvers from a relational database
✭ 168
20. React Chronoscope
Developer tool to monitor React performance
✭ 164
22. Aditum
Accessibility components for managing focus in React SPAs
✭ 163
23. Reactmonitor
Quickly visualize React's component tree and its performance
✭ 163
24. Filamentql
GraphQL query and caching solution
✭ 163
25. Protostar Relay
Open-source iteration of the official Relay devtool.
26. Trunq
NPM package for easy client and/or server side graphQL caching.
✭ 160
27. Mash
Kafka visualizer and management suite
✭ 160
28. Gatsbyhub
Access everything Gatsby has to offer without ever leaving Visual Studio Code. This VSCode Extension allows you to generate a new Gatsby site using a starter, browse Gatsby plugins, and develop a server all with a click of a button.
30. Portara
Portara directive is a rate limiter / throttler for GraphQL
31. Tropicrpc
A VS Code extension that provides gRPC API endpoint testing.
32. Irisql
GraphQL prototyping tool to quickly mock-up Node API's and visualize where you can query from.
✭ 158
33. Interspect
An API mocking tool for testing data interoperability between microservices and secure HTTP endpoints
✭ 157
34. Chaosqoala
Chaos Engineering meets GraphQL
✭ 151
35. Trinity
A VSCode extension for Cypher and Neo4j
✭ 150
37. Dockerlocal
DockerLocal is a GUI application that allows you to keep an up-to-date version of the docker compose file for interconnected repositories while doing development work on a single repository.
38. Snappy
snAppy is a VS Code extension coupled with an interactive view to support your React front-end delivery.
39. Reactiontime
ReactionTime provides a simpler way to write tests for React's Experimental Concurrent Mode.
✭ 144
40. Synapse
Realtime API Library
✭ 144
41. Protocad
ProtoCAD is a prototyping tool that allows developers to build UI component tree structure based on GraphQL query results.
✭ 142
42. Spectiql
GraphQL query, mutation, subscription test generator
✭ 142
43. Reactflo
A Chrome DevTool built for developers to visualize the flow of state throughout their application.
✭ 142
44. Pelican
Automated GUI canary testing for your kubernetes clusters
✭ 140
45. Stratosdb
☄️ ☁️ An All-in-One GUI for Cloud SQL that can help users design and test their AWS RDS Instances
46. Starfleet
Command line tool to generate GraphQL services from Mongoose schemas with full CRUD functionality and deploy them to the cloud
✭ 138
47. Kuberoptic
An Electron app for developers to visualize their Kubernetes clusters in real-time
✭ 137
48. Lucidql
A developer tool and visualizer that generates a GraphQL schema from an established relational database.
✭ 136
49. Onyx
Onyx is authentication middleware for Deno, inspired by Passport.js
✭ 133
50. Dashport
Local and OAuth authentication middleware for Deno
1-50 of 158 user projects