All Projects → HNeukermans → adal-ts

HNeukermans / adal-ts

Licence: MIT license
Adal.js typescript rewrite

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A typescript library that allows you to authenticate against Azure Active Directory

aka adal.js typescript rewrite

technical features:

  1. 100% typescript
  2. 80% code coverage
  3. easy to install, no dependencies.


npm install adal-ts --save

Access & ID token support

v0.6.0 adds support for access tokens for use with implicit auth flow against AAD and Office365 link

adal-ts does 4 things:

  1. login to Azure Active Directory
  2. get the logged in user
  3. logout to Azure Active Directory
  4. allow to retrieve the token from storage (ex: apply it to header)

Example Usage


let config = new AdalConfig('clientID', '', 'http://localhost');
let context = Authentication.getContext(config);
//to process the redirect after login, place this inside your root component  (ex: NG2 AppComponent.ngOnInit)

get the currently logged in user

let config = new AdalConfig('clientID', '', 'http://localhost');
let context = Authentication.getContext(config);
let user = context.getUser();


let config = new AdalConfig('clientID', '', 'http://localhost');
let context = Authentication.getContext(config);


let config = new AdalConfig('clientID', '', 'http://localhost');
let context = Authentication.getContext(config);
let token = context.getToken();

Adal-ts live demo

login with:
user: [email protected]
pwd: Test1234

source: adal-ts-consumer

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section.


Pull requests are welcome!


Use webpack to compile and build. A /dist folder is generated.

npm run webpack

Code coverage

Use npm test cmd to compile and run all tests. After the tests have run a /coverage folder is generated. Drill down to index.html to see the results. code_coverage_report

Unit testing

Use npm test cmd to compile and run all tests. Test runner is configured with autowatching and 'progress' as test reporter.

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